View Full Version : Get an update from Apple on everything that has been going on with Final Cut Pro X

Michael Horton
June 14th, 2012, 10:50 PM
Final Cut Pro X Update Night

Join us for a very special night as lafcpug turns 12 years old, Wednesday June 27 at the Gallery Theatre in Hollywood CA.

Get an update from Apple on everything that has been going on with Final Cut Pro X:
- Significant new feature releases
- In action case studies of real life deployments
- Extensive third-party integration
- Demo of the latest features

Plus we welcome Steve Martin of Ripple Training who will show us what you don’t know about FCPX, and that's collaborative editing.

Plus another round of Stump the Gurus, World Famous Raffle and the always popular "MORE."

You must register if you plan to attend. Registration is live now.

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