Alister Chapman
June 13th, 2012, 05:53 AM
One of the things that's always bugged me about the F3 is the use of two 1/4" threads for the tripod mount using plus the offset 3rd thread at the back of the camera. well Transvideo had just launched a new base plate that completely replaces the original Sony bottom plate with a much more robust bottom end that attaches the the cameras internal chassis in 8 places. As you have to remove the Sony bottom plate (very easy takes just a few minutes) to install the transvideo bottom end it may have an impact on your warranty. As there is no modification to the camera other than removing some screws, if you keep the original sony plate and replace it if the camera has to go in for any warranty work, I think it would be impossible for sony to tell. Anyway, fitting the new plate did give ma a peek inside the camera and what is interesting is that the two 1/4" threads at the front of the F3 are attached to the chassis as with other EX cameras by 4 tiny 2.5mm screws, very close to the actual tripod threads. So there are huge loads imparted on this part of the camera chassis. Meanwhile the offset thread at the rear of the camera is in a very substantial part of the internal chassis. The transvideo plate spreads the loads across the original 4 small screws plus another 6 that are distributed across wider parts of the F3's chassis so the whole thing is much stronger and much more stable. see the attached image. Now my F3 has a flat, very stable base with both 14" and 3/8" threads. I wish Sony would put better tripod mounts on their small cameras.