View Full Version : Wrong monitoring in manual photo mode

Ron German
June 4th, 2012, 11:32 AM
In the first days using my new GH2, using the kit lens, everything seemed to work normally.
But I don`t know why - maybe I unintencionaly pressed some wrong button - the monitoring through viewfinder and LCD, when using manual photo mode, doesn`t show the changes visually when I change aperture or shutter speed. The image in viewfinder is like I was in automatic photo mode. But the photo respects my manual adjustments, despite not showing it when monitoring before the photo is taken.
Now if I run the camera in manual film mode (video), the changes when monitoring are correctly shown.
This problem occurs only in photo mode. I can`t figure out what`s going on.
Any idea?

Don Litten
June 4th, 2012, 12:50 PM
Set your dial to m photo then go into the menu and make sure everything is set to display.

Ron German
June 4th, 2012, 07:32 PM
Thank you Don, but I didn`t get it.
Several minutes trying to figure out how to monitor correctly in manual photo and nothing.

Bruce Foreman
June 5th, 2012, 03:12 PM
There's a setting called CONSTANT PREVIEW that needs to be set to ON. First, with the mode dial on top set to Motion Picture mode (the movie camera icon with "M") press the "Set" button on the back. 2nd menu down is Motion Picture (red movie camera icon). Go into that one and on the first "page" insure that the "EXPOSURE MODE" is set to "M" for manual.

Next go down to the "CUSTOM" menu (green "C" with wrench) and on "page" 4 you'll find CONSTANT PREVIEW. Set that to ON.

And while you're at it make sure that the EXPO.METER is set to ON.

Now you have two ways to evaluate exposure, by visual appearance in the EVF (or on the LCD if ambient lighting is dark enough) and with the "Exposure Meter" at the bottom of the screen (providing you have the display set to show you info). Set the histogram to show and you have a third way of evaluating exposure as long as you remember the histogram is NOT an exposure meter (do a Google search for articles on how to interpret what the histogram shows you).

I never take mine off that CONSTANT PREVIEW setting, what you want works in both Manual exposure mode for Motion Picture work, and in Manual Exposure mode for still images when the Mode dial on top is set to "M".

I like the way it works.

Ron German
June 5th, 2012, 03:30 PM
Thank you Bruce. I`ll try your tip.

Ron German
June 6th, 2012, 03:02 PM
Thank you again for your help. Problem solved.