Tyson Yoder
June 2nd, 2012, 04:39 PM
Is there a way to Color Correct on both camera views and do a Multi-cam edit with out it removing the Color Correction?
View Full Version : Color Correcting and Multi-cam editing. Tyson Yoder June 2nd, 2012, 04:39 PM Is there a way to Color Correct on both camera views and do a Multi-cam edit with out it removing the Color Correction? Mike Kujbida June 2nd, 2012, 08:08 PM Do your color correction first (i.e. while they're still in the media tab). Then drag them to the timeline and start your multi-cam editing. Gerald Webb June 3rd, 2012, 12:03 AM Yep, to elaborate on Mike's answer. This works for me- Sync all your tracks/cams, Create your multicam track, Do one pass and do all your rough cuts/crossfades, Do your next pass and fine tune your edit and as each cam appears you right click, select Media FX, apply Sony CC and Sony Levels and with the aid of Scopes do your primary correction on each cam. As long as your cams were locked off for white balance and exposure (they always should be), you should only have to correct each cam once. Then if need be you can add additional CC or and/or FX to individual events if they need it. Edward Troxel June 3rd, 2012, 06:30 AM Using Vegas' built-in multi-cam does require you to add any effect at the media level. It is possible to do multi-cam and apply effects at the event level but only if you use a third-party multi-cam tool such as Excalibur or Ultimate S. Otherwise, you MUST apply them at the media level. Dale Guthormsen June 3rd, 2012, 09:26 AM Good Morning, This is something that has nagged at me for sometime to be certain!! I hate pasting proj props to 200 clips! I had gone through the manual and figured it wasn't possible. I immediately went to my work station and while you multi edit it doesn't show the corrections, but once you render it does!!!! Awesome!!!!!!! Mike and Ed you guys are the best!!! While I have and use excaliber daily |I have not used the multicam tool. I found it confusing the first times I tried it. guess \i may have to give it a go again. Gerald Webb June 3rd, 2012, 03:38 PM Otherwise, you MUST apply them at the media level. For the sake of clarity (not argument :) You CAN apply FX at event level. But only AFTER the multicam track has been created, ( if you add them before, you lose them on creation of the multi track). Also important to note, if you re expand to separate tracks after they have been a multicam track, you again, lose your FX. To sum up, FX at Media level ( in the bin ) are unaffected by multicam editing. FX at event level are ok, as long as you are done combining or separating your multicam tracks. Nicholas de Kock June 4th, 2012, 01:21 AM You can also do a multicam edit by nesting Vegas projects. This is done by saving each camera/track to a different Vegas project then dragging that project into the Vegas timeline, the saved project will display as a clip. Any changes you make in the imported project will reflect in the nested project. It's not the most ideal way to go about multicam edits but it's another option. Edward Troxel June 4th, 2012, 06:42 AM Gerald, you are technically correct but you'd then have to apply it to EVERY instance of that clip instead of just once. Using the third party tools, you apply it once to the event and they'll be copied to the Master track as expected. |