View Full Version : LTO Backup Software

Paul Curtis
May 28th, 2012, 07:49 AM
I hope this is the right forum for this, please let me know if i should post elsewhere.

I have an LTO-4 on a windows 7 system. I just need to back up from that box to tape, very simple.

Finding a reasonable cost backup software solution seems to be quite hard though. I can't use Bru PE as that's mac os/unix so what is good on the windows side. I've been warned off retrospect because of reliability issues (and in fact i've used it in the past and it did cause issues for me)

So what else is out there. Just need to write to tape and restore. Perhaps with a local catalogue of what's on there for searching offline. Future compatibility is important too.


Ron Evans
May 28th, 2012, 08:14 AM
I use Retrospect 7.7 for Windows on my Win7 64 bit Home Premium and have had no problems in several years of use. I have a Quantum HH LTO-3 deck though so cannot comment on LTO-4 decks.


Paul Curtis
May 28th, 2012, 08:46 AM
Well that's a +1 for retrospect. The version i had was older, and it did something odd to the catalogues i had and i lost a SDLT via it (it wouldn't rebuild the catalogue either)

Having said that it is a newer version and fairly cost effective...

It's supposed to be a proprietary format though, so in the future you're reliant on Dantz or whichever company ends up with retrospect next.

But i'm happy to hear it's been reliable for you. It seems the easiest option - i'm just a little wary...


Bart Walczak
May 30th, 2012, 02:35 PM
Novastor Professional is inexpensive and reliable.