View Full Version : Suggestions to make this Music Video look better

Dave Morgan
May 22nd, 2012, 12:49 AM
Just looking for suggestions on things I could do to make this video look better. Its all edited and this is just a clip from it. I just have a couple days left to change things so wanted suggestions. Thanks

shot with a Panasonic AF100 edited with premiere pro cs5.5 and after effects

TESTONLY - YouTube (

Kawika Ohumukini
May 22nd, 2012, 01:52 PM
Great song and overall look. For me it would flow better if the transitions nailed the beats a little more often. Otherwise looks good.

Gregory Gesch
May 22nd, 2012, 05:31 PM
Hi Dave. It's looking good, and I agree about nailing the beats but my feeling is for more consistancy on where you are using the vignettes. You seem to be setting up the non performance shots as being different by being vignetted, and cutting to clean edges on the playing musicians - then you seem to change your mind when it's been set up (?), just a thought.