View Full Version : Unhappy With New Vimeo Design

Donald McPherson
May 17th, 2012, 01:22 PM
I love keeping up with Magic Lantern Group over at Vimeo. But now Vimeo have revamped their design and I hate it. Cant figure out how to add a new thread. Browsing the new posts is also terrible. Any of you guys find the same.

Chris Talawe
May 17th, 2012, 01:56 PM
i'm with you on this. i need to figure out a way to revert back to the old style.

Khoi Pham
May 17th, 2012, 04:12 PM
No go, I asked them already.

Mark Williams
May 17th, 2012, 05:01 PM
I asked them to revert me to the old style about a month ago. Today everything is the new style. Oh...well.

Les Wilson
May 17th, 2012, 06:46 PM
It's been redesigned for mobile an tablet use. They don't care what you think. There's threads and threads of discussions there with people who feel as you do..

Paul R Johnson
May 18th, 2012, 05:37 AM
Yep - agree, the new format is horrible!

Simon Wood
May 18th, 2012, 06:18 AM
I thought so at first, but once you start to use it its not bad. The top menu seems like an improvement. Like all things it'll take a while to get used to it.

Les Wilson
May 18th, 2012, 03:41 PM
I don't think this is an issue of "once learned always remembered". From a user interface point of view, the new one can be evaluated quantitatively and found inferior to the old one for certain user groups. The new interface is arguably designed around the mobile/tablet Vimeo consumer. It provides an inferior and disliked experience for Laptop/desktop browsers and producers. It needn't be only good for one user group but it is. This can be the result of a variety of reasons including incompetence but it's more likely corporate will. It may even be the brainchild of someone at the top.

There are other video services. If you don't like Vimeo, make it known on your way out the door and take your business elsewhere.

Dave Blackhurst
May 18th, 2012, 04:19 PM
EVERYONE is redesigning for the phone/tablet, it's the "new" thing if you haven't heard. Problem is that designing a "good" interface for the small screen is problematic.

The Android "apps" I've tried vary from barely usable to BETTER than the normal "web browser"... none are perfect, but some are quite effective for the intended use.

The way tech changes is that just when you're comfortable with one "paradigm", along comes something completely DIFFERENT. The shift AWAY from the computer for content CONSUMPTION is massive, and likely permanent. My "smart phone" (which I finally broke down and got on a prepaid plan in case I hated it, which I don't, it's better for EVERYTHING than my contract phone) is capable of doing many things I previously used a computer for, and I have it with me... e-mail, check, eBay, check, calendaring, check, driving instructions/GPS, check, etc, etc, etc...

For a company delivering "content", they have NO CHOICE but to redesign to work on the "tiny screen", for better or worse - you can only hope that after some complaints they will "tweak" the design for a better user experience - OTOH, it can get WORSE too, seen that enough times when they play around with the "engines in mid flight" on the airplane... saw that described by the lead programmer that way, and quickly realized why there were so many problems on one rather (in)famous site...

Haven't tried DVi on my smart phone yet, but I'll bet it too will get a redesign not too far in the future!

Les Wilson
May 18th, 2012, 05:04 PM
There is choice. THey are choosing to make the mobile/tablet interface for consumers the same as for laptop/desktops and producers. They don't have to make one UI for all. It's a choice they are making.

John McCully
May 18th, 2012, 05:11 PM
EVERYONE is redesigning for the phone/tablet,

It is a complete waste of time sending my grandkids an email; they don’t do email. It’s all text messaging using a cryptology that seems to me one step removed from the language of dogs, cats and other assorted non-human mammals. Will they ever read Carlos Fuentes, RIP, or myriads of other great writers? Will they ever be able to string a decent sentence together never mind an engaging paragraph? Does it matter, will it ever matter again...

And yes, Dave, for the person on-the-go in this day and age the smart phone is no doubt quite smart, but for me and my retired way of life - not to mention my degraded eye focusing ability - nothing beats my 24 inch high quality monitor and for my evolved love of all kinds of music my studio monitors are essential, neither of the above being remotely portable of course and neither particularly compatible with the gaudy freneticism of this day and age.

For me the new Vimeo is OK, not great, not bad, but I do find it annoying to be told ‘Welcome Home’ when I log in; Vimeo is NOT my home, thanks very much, and before I log in ‘Ready to enter a world of awesome?’ Oh how I have grown to detest that word “awesome”.

I would switch if I came across something better. Any suggestions?

Chris Hurd
May 20th, 2012, 08:19 AM
Yes, I have an excellent suggestion. And it's a perfect way to solve this issue.

My suggestion is: simply increase and expand the way that you're using this site, DV Info Net. Vimeo clips are automatically embedded here when you post a direct URL to a specific Vimeo clip.

If you have issues with the DV Info Net design, let's talk about them (via separate discussion, not this one) and I'll work to improve whatever needs to be changed or updated. We're long overdue for a dedicated mobile interface, and that development is underway.

Meanwhile, please ask the Magic Lantern group to move here. Tramm Hudson, the person who started Magic Lantern, is a member here and DV Info net was one of the first sites to actively promote ML. I would warmly welcome the ML group and give them their own board here on DVi. Most everyone on Vimeo is posting with their real name so the transition to DVi would be an easy one to make. Hope this helps,