View Full Version : burning iso's

Roy Alexander
May 17th, 2012, 04:51 AM
I mentioned sometime ago about when burning ISO's to disc the results ,no matter what programme used, Nero, windows image burner, or imgburn, the sound was always distorted. when using the LG latest BD burner.
After re-installing DVDA 5 studio with windows 7 Pro I now find the picture and sound is perfect. The problem now is that I can only burn with RW discs, both Blu-ray and DVD. Very strange indeed Nero won't burn to Aone blu-ray discs nor will any other programme and will only burn iso to Verbatim BD-RE and to RYdisc DVD-RW.
I would like to know if anybody has any observations on this strange affair before I finally give up on Vegas products and go to Adobe CS5 with encore which when on trial every thing worked as it should do with the LG burner.

Mike Kujbida
May 17th, 2012, 05:15 AM
Before you give up, give ImgBurn (it's free) a try.

The Official ImgBurn Website (

Seth Bloombaum
May 17th, 2012, 11:18 AM
Are you able to burn any content to a DVD-R, no matter how it is originated?

If you can't, it's likely an OS/driver/firmware issue.

Roy Alexander
May 18th, 2012, 01:11 AM
SETH. I can burn anything to anything using Adobe Encore. With the Vegas programmes I can't even render to MPeg 4 for YouTube. It says it is M-peg 4 but After six hours YouTube rejected it.
MIKE. I've used imgburn but it won't work with any file made by DVDA 5. It works wonderfully well with anything made with Adobe Encore, as does Nero. The problem obviously is with the Vegas programmes and after six month's trying to cure it or even finding out the cause, it's time for me to dump Vegas. The VMS 10 platinum is excellent for editing though.

Gints Klimanis
May 18th, 2012, 01:44 AM
Why is this posted in a Sony Vegas forum? Do you burn with a verify function? Nero offers this function, and I can assure you that many brand name (Sony, Pioneer) DVD and BD burners fail verification.

Roy Alexander
May 18th, 2012, 02:26 AM
where else should I post a query concerning the behaviour of Vegas programmes?

Mike Kujbida
May 18th, 2012, 04:12 AM
Roy, this sure sounds like a computer problem and not a Vegas problem.
I've uploaded several MPEG-4 videos to YouTube lately and never had any problems.
My new work computers came without any burning software so I installed ImgBurn on them and have burned over 100 DVDs with no problems at all.
Have you installed ANY new software on your machine lately?

Roy Alexander
May 18th, 2012, 04:52 AM
Thanks Mike for your interest. I have only installed a trial run of Adobe CS5 and that has ended now. I also installed Windows 7. 64 bit to go with Adobe but all that was installed on another drive. I have just tried again to upload an HDV video to You Tube via architect by way of SVMS 10 HD and clicking on upload to YouTube. It worked okay but on You Tube it played as a standard Def. and the quality choice offered was at 360 tops.

Mike Kujbida
May 18th, 2012, 05:25 AM
Roy, I always render out of Vegas using the default Sony AVC/MVC - Internet 1280x720-30p mp 4 preset and don't have any YouTube problems.
FYI, this is with Pro 10 so I'm not sure if your version of Vegas has this or not.

Mike Kujbida
May 18th, 2012, 08:32 AM
Before I forget, here's an excellent tutorial at getting the most out of renders for YouTube, Vimeo, etc.

Vegas-to-Vimeo Tutorial - A Better Method on Vimeo

Garrett Low
May 18th, 2012, 10:33 AM

I have no problems authoring and creating an image in DVDA5 then using ImageBurn to burn to a disc. I've got one LG Bluray burner and one LG DVD burner.


Gints Klimanis
May 18th, 2012, 01:00 PM
Roy, If your audio is distorted but your video plays properly, I would blame the encoding software first, playback mechanism (hardware or software) second.

Have you played/inspected the audio in the VOB files before they are burned to DVD? Are they different from the VOB files on the disk?
If you rip your burned DVD and play the disk image from your computer, is it also distorted?

What is your playback device for your burned DVD?

With Nero Burning ROM, I noticed that some DVD drives Sony (drive from MacPro running under WinXP) have nearly a dozen errors flagged in verify, particularly on Dual Layer DVD-Rs. My current Pioneer BD (at home, so I'll add model #) is fantastic, and my BenQ DVD+RW are perfect. Many drives are picky about media.

Oh, and sorry about my earlier comment. I read your problem as an imgburn issue. Sorry I can't answer your DVDA5 question as I haven't made a DVD with Sony Software since DVDA4.

Roy Alexander
May 18th, 2012, 04:11 PM
MIKE. Thanks for the tutorial, it was quite an eye opener. I have to tell you that the rendering details you mentioned is not available on VMS10 HD platinum.
GINT. I have cured the distortion of the Sound and Architect now makes a perfect ISO.
I have now also managed to upload a HD video to YouTube by rendering from VMS 10 platinum. I think you are all right in suggesting ther fault lies with the PC and Not Vegas. When attempting to burn an iso to disc using the Windows image burner, it cannot find the LG burner .

Jorma Nippala
May 18th, 2012, 04:48 PM
this is available in my VMStudio Platinum 10

Glad you have got most of the things working.

Roy Alexander
May 19th, 2012, 02:22 AM
JORMA. Thanks for your info. Actually I used a combination similiar to that you mention to successfully upload HD to YouTube. The queer thing is that when I looked for the pre-sets none appeared with the word Internet. I was about to mention this to you when I had the idea that I should check again,so I have. Suprise, suprise, the internet pre-set are now available. There is something funny going on with my PC's. I am aware that A ghost resides in my house(FACT NOT FICTION) but for the last 40 years he has never interfered with anything, maybe he has just decided to interfere with modern equipment. WHO KNOWS/ AND WHO BELIEVES.

Roy Alexander
May 19th, 2012, 10:48 AM
IT'S ME AGAIN. I just thought you might like to know, I'm winning at last. I have now burnt a HD video to BD-R disc, namely an Aone disc. This I haven't previously been able to do as the set up would only burn to BD-RE discs. I am thinking it that the burning problem might had something to do with the presets I used when rendering. Later I will try to see what discs I am able to burn ISO's to using imgburn or Nero. IF then I can burn the short HD files to Standard DEF DVD discs using Nero and Imgburn, I won't have to ditch Vegas after all.