View Full Version : CS6 Speedgrade - SO CLOSE TO PERFECT FOR 3D

David M. Cole
May 13th, 2012, 11:16 AM
I'm just finishing a LONG ingest from a bunch of different 3D cameras (GoPro 1s and 2s video and time-lapse, Sony HXR-NX3D1, Panasonic HDC-Z10K, Panasonic GH1s and Scarlets). It was as painful as it sounds. We decided up front to ingest everything into MUXED Cineform. Not quite ready to do a postmortem on the project, but, I did have a flash of insight that Speedgrade is very close to being a major help with complicated stereo ingests.

IMHO, these additions would make it THE go-to tool:

1 - Ability to interpret latest RED color science (including Alchemy!!!) and read RMD metadata. Support for RED debayer (like Premiere Pro).
2- Ability to ingest CF Muxed and auto-pair
2 - Better auto-pairing (TC-based) of 3D files (or better documentation of how the existing pairing works)
3 - MVC ingest & auto-pair
4- Ability to squirt out Cineform MUXED
5 - Some form of documentation (come on, Adobe!)

What makes Speedgrade worth the ticket price is the flexibility to selectively scale and crop from 4K (and bigger) to 1920x1080 after doing all the geometry corrections, flexibility in native formats for ingest, deep color model for latitude - even if the acquisition format lacked headroom, and world-class stereo correction tools.