View Full Version : Avengers!

Glen Vandermolen
May 6th, 2012, 05:56 AM
the Avengers is an awesome, incredible movie. More than a movie, but an event, a cultural phenomenon.
Go see it!

Noa Put
May 6th, 2012, 09:23 AM
I saw the 3d version because the normal version was not playing at that time, it's the last time I ever will look at 3d,
it was more a distration instead of adding something, it felt I constantly was adjusting my view to adapt to this 3d thing, especially when a character was very close to the screen.
This made it very difficult to realy enjoy the movie. About the avengers; I thought it was bad, definetely not worth the high score on imdb. Not sure if I needed to take it serious or as a joke and it was very predictable and what about a story? there just isn't one, no twists that keep you on the edge of yor seat, just a lot of eyecandy with some childisch funny one-liners.
The only actor I felt was watchable was robert downey jr.
I rather spend ten times the amount on seeing the dark knight again, that's a movie and worth it's equally high imdb score. It at least has a villain without any god like powers that was much more terrifying then Loki.

Glen Vandermolen
May 6th, 2012, 10:06 AM
Bulls**t. You're wrong, sport.

Noa Put
May 6th, 2012, 10:45 AM
Just my opinion, sport, no need to be so defensive. Just filter through the negative comments on imdb, there are plenty as well and most exactly explain what I felt was missing. If you liked it, good for you but it was not what I expect from a good movie.

Glen Vandermolen
May 6th, 2012, 03:22 PM
$200 million the opening weekend says otherwise. That's just in the US.
You are definitely in the minority.

Simon Wood
May 6th, 2012, 03:36 PM
Well made movie. Enjoyable. Eat popcorn. Drink coke. Put brain into neutral. Nice time had by all. Well, you kind of know what to expect from a summer Blockbuster these days:

1) If you were expecting Michael Bay-ism you will be pleasantly surprised at the maturity of The Avengers, and marvel at just how well made a movie about men in tights having fights can be.
2) If you were expecting Christopher Nolan-ism you will be slightly (but only ever so slightly) disappointed at the lack of realism about men in tights having fights.

So, 2012 is the year of 4K, right? Why I ask? Goddamn that 'lowly' 2K Alexa seems to make incredible images on the big screen. Seemingly there were some 5DMk2 shots in there as well, but I couldn't call them out.

Noa Put
May 7th, 2012, 02:11 AM
I felt it was more a popcorn rollercoaster ride, close your eyes and enjoy, it has all the standard ingredients to make it a blockbuster, just like any Michael Bay movie. But that's just the kind of movie I hate, very shiny on the outside but hollow inside.
Just to mention one thing that got me annoyed; you see Bruce Banner transforming into the Hulk halfway the movie and chasing Natasha with the only intention to kill her, previous Hulk movies showed that once tranformed it is only pure rage that guides his actions and Banner has absolutely no controll over this, unless when it comes to the girl he loves there is some part that remembers and slows him down. In the Avengers Banner more then once shows his hate towards "that" second person inside of him but yet, at the end, when he is Banner he's able to just transform in a controlled way (in a snap and without a reason) into the Hulk and he saves Iron Man? I mean, what were the script writers thinking? Lets just changes what defines the Hulk and have a cool ending?

Glen Vandermolen
May 7th, 2012, 05:01 PM
Make that $207 million, and $650 million worldwide.
Epic win!

Noa Put
May 7th, 2012, 05:24 PM
I bet you are a hugh Michael Bay fan ;)

Glen Vandermolen
May 7th, 2012, 08:19 PM
Ha ha...nope. Avengers is far and away better than any Bay film. I hope you can at least recognize that.

Noa Put
May 7th, 2012, 11:51 PM
I don't know, Michael Bay movies have more, bigger and better explosions.

Jay Corcuera
May 8th, 2012, 12:11 AM
It was a good movie.. Better than I expected and alot better than any transformers movie! God I hate how Michael bay has ruined that franchise!

Warren Kawamoto
May 8th, 2012, 05:38 PM
My wife and I saw it this past weekend and enjoyed it! Be sure to sit through it, past the credits.

Simon Wood
May 9th, 2012, 01:01 AM
I don't know, Michael Bay movies have more, bigger and better explosions.

Presumably you are being facetious?

Michael Bay has unfortunately lowered the bar of the Summer Blockbuster with his hollow stye over substance approach. But thats not to say that adults can't enjoy a well directed action movie every now and then. Thankfully, The Avengers is one such movie, that is well directed, witty, has a combination of a good script and good acting (for what it is; we're not in Oscar territory here), good 'chemistry' between the ensemble cast, and so forth. The Avengers appeals to a wide demographic of people; I saw it in Uganda and I have never seen a more riotously happy audience, people laughing out loud (some of Thors one liners went down well, especially the 'adopted' one), and people literally jumping out of their seats and clapping during some of the Hulk scenes towards the end.

This is the type of movie Michael Bay probably wishes he was able to make.

Noa Put
May 9th, 2012, 01:08 AM
Presumably you are being facetious?
Had to look that word up and yes I was :)
And sure it had a script, but not a good one, It was one of the most predictable movies I saw the last years, just like any Michael Bay movie.
To accurately describe what I think of the movie simply look here: as those comments generally sum it up in a way I can't because English is not my native language.
It's simple, or you enjoy it or you don't, I didn't as I expect more then a shiny shell.

Simon Wood
May 9th, 2012, 01:41 AM

Maybe people expect too much from comic book stories these days? After all superhero stories are meant to be pretty simple clashes between good and evil, especially Marvel comics which were never as dark as some of the DC offerings. Yeah, I know there was some ridiculous stuff in there: flying aircraft carriers are just plain silly. But then the context is green monsters, demigods and aliens. Comics, remember.

I have felt cheated out of my money with a lot of Summer Blockbusters in the last few years, simply because I became bored half way through the movies. When you groan at the thought of having to sit through yet another action sequence with more indecipherable explosions and shouting then you know the filmmaker has lost it (I'm talking Transformers and the like here). Action for the sake of action and spectacle is just boring. With the Avengers I felt that the second half picked up the pace pretty well, and the sense of comic timing was handled well even during the action sequences, so it was still engaging to watch.

The dynamic of the latter action sequence was changed (the Avengers working together, not head butting) so again this was engaging (and made the comedy of the Hulk all the more entertaining as he was still a bit different from the others).

Perhaps the comedy did not translate well for you, as you say its not your native language. All I know is that in the cinema I was in there was a party atmosphere by the end, and everyone left with big smiles on their face and talking excitedly about what they had just witnessed (and that was the big group of business men in suits and ties - the kids had gone nuts).

Noel Lising
May 9th, 2012, 09:08 AM
Being a Marvel comics fan in my childhood days, I really enjoyed the movie. The only caveat is I have to watch it on 3D, the non-3D theatres are sold out. I find the 3D Visuals appealing but had the same issue with Noa, I kept adjusting my glasses. I guess 3D is not for everyone.

I read that after the end credits they revealed the next villain, I should have stayed for that.

Andrew Parker
May 10th, 2012, 04:20 AM
Well i will be going to see it so the box office receipts will rise, but still doesn't mean it's going to be a great movie, everyone who's read the hype will want to view it that's why it's made so much.I like these comic hero movies they are a great escape from reality. So here's hoping.

Jesse Pepin
July 5th, 2012, 12:00 PM
Interesting responses here, to be sure.
I'll say it outright: I loved it. Having watched all the movies building up to it, Marvel really did something new here in combining 4 stand-alone franchises into one amazing film. (Even though Captain America and Thor were basically made just to get to The Avengers). Here's the thing:
It can't be compared to a Bay film. The maturity involved in the characters and their hard time dealing with the others and the mission is way beyond most superhero movies. It also can't be compared to Nolan's Dark Knight franchise, as this not only focuses on one character, but also has something really special in the storytelling, plot lines chosen, and the performances by basically everyone involved. Not to mention it focuses on only one hero.
The thing is, there's NOTHING that compares to the Avengers, because this is a movie making first. To do something similar with Batman, you'd have to add in everyone else for a Justice League movie. (And there's plenty of online debates about that)
The Avengers, however, does have all the components: thrilling action, moments of humor, ability to relate to the characters, eye candy, and a pretty amazing climax after the multiple instances of conflict. They balanced the heroes well, and made a movie that is fun not only for comic fans, but for people who've never owned a comic book.
In that respect, to me, you can't argue that The Avengers is an amazing film :)