View Full Version : Rockstar Rally: NX5U+GoPro+FCPX

Ryan Douthit
May 4th, 2012, 03:05 PM
A segment I produced this week for the Rockstar Energy Rally team.

This was shot during a 6-hour test in the forest on Tuesday, delivered on Wednesday, posted on Thursday. Shot on a Sony NX5U at 720/60p using a custom color profile, mBurns effects, and some grading in post. The stage notes section was assembled using multicam on FCP X with footage from several different runs.

Rockstar Rally: Oregon Trail 2012 Test Day - YouTube


Ryan Douthit, Producer
Driving Sports TV

John Friedman
May 4th, 2012, 04:03 PM
I hope there was no damage to the lens, right there at the end!

Ryan Douthit
May 4th, 2012, 04:22 PM
No damage. I shoot rally sports with a clear UV filter and it only got a splat of mud this time. (luckily) The camera itself is covered with a rain cover (that is also good at deflecting rocks.)

Andrew Parker
May 5th, 2012, 03:06 AM
Great video, how did you manage to get the cams on the car to be so steady, what were you using? I have NX5E hope i can get results like that. can you share your colour custom profile i would be interested in trying it out.

Ryan Douthit
May 5th, 2012, 10:54 AM
The in-car cameras are all GoPro HD units mounted using rollbar mounts. Their angles are wide enough to minimize the appearance of any movement in the car. Due to weight and safety, I can't use my larger mounts in a racecar, anyhow.

The picture profile is similar to the one that Michael Johnson posted. My camera's packed up for the weekend, or I'd grab it for you. :)

I almost always shoot with ND and I manually set the color temp to 6200 or 6300.