View Full Version : Video producer's uniform

Richard Cavell
April 30th, 2012, 11:49 PM
Hi, everyone.

I work for the Cerebral Palsy League, which is a charity that provides opportunity for disabled people. We're producing some internal videos, a community access TV show and also some film parodies, which are shot in the style of film.

We're in the process of purchasing some equipment. Soon I'll post the shopping list online and get your feedback. But for now, I had an idea of having some kind of uniform for the TV/video unit. Anyone who is producing video can wear the uniform. It would have "Cerebral Palsy League video unit" on it, or something like that.

I usually wear a suit to work. Many of the clients are in wheelchairs and getting pants or a shirt on is a major task for them. So I'm thinking of some type of hat.

Any ideas?


Damian Heffernan
May 2nd, 2012, 12:32 AM
a cap or beanie with the logo and a big "crew' on it sounds like a good idea. Or a crew badge to hang on the back of the wheelchair sort of like on an old style directors chair.

Allan Black
May 2nd, 2012, 01:56 AM
Operating on airfields in Oz (which are all Commonwealth Federal Territory by the way) we wear yellow road safety jackets with fluro strips
and 'Film Crew' stencilled in black on the back.

They came from Bunnings and the stencilling was done by a stencil shop in the Chatswood mall here.

For your situation I'd suggest the sandwich board style vest which just drops over a persons head.

Or light coloured caps with Film Crew stencilled on the front. You could get a quote for a few caps with folks names stencilled on the back,
that might be a nice touch for your charity workers.

If you work in low light areas tape some white fluro strips around the top.


Richard Cavell
May 2nd, 2012, 02:26 AM
Sandwich board vest is kind of what I was thinking of. Some people are going to have to flop the back part down the back of their wheelchairs, or else have the back part missing, like a bib.

Got any ideas for where I can buy such an item? The League uses yellow and orange a lot.


Allan Black
May 2nd, 2012, 04:29 AM
I had a look but couldn't find any on the web, not even sure what they're called .. tunics?

They shouldn't be too costly to make by a suitable shop, a dressmaker? Maybe you could suggest a couple of styles, the bib and the sandwichboard ..
let your crews select one and have 'em made to order.

Ours are nylon and they get damn hot outdoors in summer.
But select an easy wash and wear material, you don't want to get caught doing that.


Paul R Johnson
May 2nd, 2012, 06:55 AM
Whatever you do should be low key, and not get in the way - and whatever happens, must not make the user overheat. Many people in the industry wear black - which stops them jumping out if caught in vision. Although I hate headwear, caps seem a simple method - but whenever I get made to wear 'uniform', even if it's just the usual flu jacket and hard hat, I really hate it. I don't want to stand out, I don't particularly want to look the same as the others - so if you have people like me, I'd urge you to NOT make them stand out, but just use something simple - maybe just a nice laminate badge on a lanyard to go around the neck. Big labels usually mean advertising, which is a different thing altogether.