View Full Version : Dumb question that shouldn't be necessary

Ryan Laytart
April 27th, 2012, 02:40 PM
When in the "open" dialogue within Photoshop, the columns are not present (Name, Date Created, Size, etc., etc...)

I just started using Windows 7, and I'm not sure how to get these to show up again. I've checked the folder options in the Control Panel, and those options do not seem to apply to the photoshop "open" box.

Also, I know I can switch to the Adobe dialog, but it doesn't feel the same (I know, I'm weird.)

I'm probably missing something that is very obvious. Thanks for your help, anyway.

Adam Gold
April 27th, 2012, 02:48 PM
Try right-clicking on the column headings. It should make a drop down list where you can check the columns you want to show. Also, in the View Menu, make sure you have selected Details rather than List, Tiles or Icons.

Ryan Laytart
April 27th, 2012, 03:02 PM
Thanks for the response. I had to check my old computer to compare the two, and on Vista, the column header is present when in List view. Your suggestion worked on my Windows 7 computer, but I'm picky about having things in list format.

So to summarize, when I choose list format, my column header disappears, which means I can't select the columns, even if I wanted to.

Adam Gold
April 27th, 2012, 05:21 PM
I think that's why in Win 7 they have Details. It's the same as List but with columns. I think the whole point of List is that it doesn't have columns.

Ryan Laytart
April 27th, 2012, 08:01 PM
It was just nice in Vista, because I could choose list, and see all or most of my files without having to scroll, and could also hit the "name" tab to sort them in ascending or descending order.

I can do the same with "detail" view or by right clicking, but it's just another time sucking issue. Every little corner I can cut makes a huge difference.