View Full Version : Embed vimeo on facebook, but hide on vimeo

Bart Wierzbicki
April 26th, 2012, 02:40 AM
I'm still struggling with Vimeo. :(
What I want to do is the following.
I do mainly wedding vids so when I make a new video, I want to upload it to Vimeo so the couple can embed this on their Facebook.
But what I don't want to do is that it links back to my vimeo account so people can watch my other wedding videos.
Is there any way to do this withouth password protect it ?
I am already a Vimeo Pro user

Brad Ballew
April 26th, 2012, 07:42 AM
What I do is go into the settings of the video on my vimeo page, then go to embedding and disable most everything. Choose always hide for portrait, title, byline. Under outro, choose "nothing".

With these settings, nothing will pop up over the video that is clickable and could send someone back to your vimeo page. However, if they right click on the video they can still choose to watch the video in vimeo, which of course takes them to your page. However, a lot of people might not think to do that.

That is all I know, maybe someone else has more info...

Paul Mailath
April 26th, 2012, 09:29 AM
hang on .. isn't that the point

you want the people who watch Jenny's highlights on her facebook page to follow the link and see some of your other work - they might even book!