View Full Version : Mounting Canon zoom directly on Sacthler head.

Bo Skelmose
April 25th, 2012, 08:43 AM
For years I have seen this setup where a small panarm directly fits on a sachtler head and on a Canon Zoom - like ZSD-300. The photographers in Living Planet seems to use this. Is it a panarm that could be bought somewhere or should it be handmade?

Chris Soucy
April 25th, 2012, 05:48 PM
Hi, Bo...........

If I understand the question, and that is a VERY BIG IF, are you talking about something like this:

Camera - Remote Controls - Video | Manfrotto (

If not, can you perhaps take another stab at the question?


PS: If your English isn't all that good, write it in Danish, and we'll see if another Danish/ English speaker can help us out, gotta be some out there.

James Ewen
April 30th, 2012, 06:30 AM
Hei Bo,

Ronford-Baker make the pan bar that you are looking for, it is fully adjustable and very handy. Contact them directly, its not cheap but like all their products it is excellent.

