View Full Version : Did anyone catch the AG-HPX255 Announcement

Douglas Call
April 24th, 2012, 05:52 PM
NAB 2012: Panasonic Introduces AG-HPX255 Handheld
Panasonic AG-HPX255 with AG-EC4 Paint Box remote control

The unit features 4:2:2 AVC-Intra recording to P2 cards, full HD 1920 x 1080, multiple frame rates and more.
The HPX255 is a handheld professional P2 HD camera that works with Panasonic’s Paint Box remote control, the AG-EC4. It features three 1/3-inch 2.2 MP (megapixel) 3-MOS sensors, offering the full HD resolution. It weighs just 5.5 pounds, and the fixed high definition lens gets 22x zoom. The HPX255 also shoots in the 10-bit, 4:2:2 AVC-Intra codec, and will go on sale July 2012 for a suggested retail price of $6,995.

Panasonic Introduces AG-HPX255 Handheld, AG-HPX600 Shoulder-Mount HD Cameras (

Bart Walczak
April 25th, 2012, 05:05 AM
Worth noting is the lack of 1080p60 in this camera.

Sander Vreuls
April 25th, 2012, 05:42 AM
I still don't understand why all these cheapo paintboxes have proprietary plugs and cables.. Surely if you used a data system over UTP or XLR cable it would sell a lot better? Combine that with a tally which you can send through the data cable (GPI input in the paintbox) and make the camera have return video input (composite even..!)....

Only then you can really use these cameras in multicamera settings effectively.. You could then run HD-SDI, UTP (or XLR) and a Composite line to and from the camera... HD-SDI goes into the switcher, UTP (or XLR) goes into the paintbox which is connected to the switcher with GPI for tally (onair) signaling and the composite return signal goes into the camera so the operator knows what the others are doing...

There is such a huge gap between "real" multicamera camera's such as the HDC1500 and LDK8000 and the small handheld cameras such as these... yet a lot of the features would not be that tricky and would be very suitable for smaller venues and smaller companies..

Sorry for the rant, but it has been bothering me for some time now.. :)

Zach Love
April 25th, 2012, 10:10 AM
Did anyone catch the AG-HPX255 Announcement? - Yep, but I was more interested with the Micro P2

I really do think there is a greater need for these palm cameras to be expandable & usable as live multi-camera event cameras.

At least DataVideo offers a tally light solution in their headset / comm units which I think is great.

Douglas Call
April 25th, 2012, 10:26 AM
Are you refering to the MicroP2 storage card?

Panasonic introduces new microP2 SD-sized storage at NAB 2012 -- Engadget (

Jacques Mersereau
April 25th, 2012, 05:54 PM
Honestly, I hope P2 and SxS die the death their high price deserves. I am hoping that BMD helps make SSD the standard recording media.