View Full Version : so what's new in the world of cheapo light stands?

Josh Bass
April 17th, 2012, 04:38 PM
I'm thinking about getting a few more light stands to add to my package. I have a stand for every light in my kit; the problem is when i wanna get fancy and use a flag to cut light off somewhere, or put a piece of blackwrap out in front of a light or hang a piece of material between two stands to block a window or something.

Im looking to go the el cheapo route. Best option i know of right now that is a reasonable compromise between cost/quality the $40/apiece Impact stands from B&H. Yes i realize theyre pretty lightweight, but I have a client who has some so i work with them a lot, and it seems as long as you dont ask too much of them (dont put too heavy a light on them, etc.) They work fine and last.

Btw when i say "flag" i mean anything used to block light, not necessarily a legit flag with metal frame meant to be used with a grip head. Black foam core and a spring clamp is just fine.

So anyone know of any better deals?

Alex Payne
April 19th, 2012, 02:02 AM
Nope, but I've used those impact stands before and for their price, they're fantastic.

If you really need something cheap, I made a pvc stand once. It was... well, it made me decide to spend the $40. But it sure did hold a flag!

Josh Bass
April 19th, 2012, 02:14 AM
Ha! Not THAT cheap. Still needs to be "real" gear, just wondered if any members had good experiences with something kinda off the radar.

Mike Watson
April 29th, 2012, 10:09 AM
I buy lightstands from Norm's in Hollywood, I think I paid $70/ea for them the last time, and they are made to last a lifetime. When you said "cheapo", I was thinking $10 or $15 deals from Amazon or Adorama, but if you're going to cough up $40, the $70 Norm's is asking is a small step away.

Victor Nguyen
April 29th, 2012, 06:11 PM
I heard great review on Impact stands

Josh Bass
April 29th, 2012, 07:44 PM
I'll look into those Norms ones.

Did not know about the deals from Adorama/Amazon. . .Let me see what that's all about. I don't want something that's going to fall apart.

Impact is apparently the B&H in-house brand (I did not know this). I have a frequent client whose Impact stands I've been working with four about 4 years. They haven't fallen apart yet and I will use them, if I owned them, a hell of a lot less often then we use his.

Yes, on the one hand, the $70 are only $30 more per light stand than the $40 ones, but then again, they're almost twice the price! I guess it's how you think about it.

James Kuhn
April 30th, 2012, 11:02 AM
Lumiere light stands are very good and reasonably priced. I have one with a boom-pole extension, it has done everything I have asked of it and more.



John Stakes
April 30th, 2012, 12:03 PM
I picked up some "heavy duty" stands off Amazon. Can't think of the manufacturer but I think the guy's initials are P.B. They seem well built from the two times I've used them (around large crowds) and I think I paid about $50 for two.