View Full Version : Pix Firmware v2.00 & now Pix 260

Peter G. Johnson
April 17th, 2012, 04:27 AM
Some very interesting improvements and new features for the Pix 220 and Pix 240 with Firmware v2.00.
PIX Firmware Download | Sound Devices, LLC (

But what's the deal with the Pix 260? Essentially it's just another Pix 240 in a new shell?
PIX 260 Video Recorders | Sound Devices, LLC (

Mark Kenfield
April 17th, 2012, 07:08 AM
PIX260 looks to be setup for studio-based recording.

I just picked up my PIX240 this afternoon (and returned home to discover the v2.0 updates), peaking and 1:1 zoom are great for focussing. Need to play around more with the Zebras, but it all looks hugely usable to me.

I'm just hugely impressed with the depth of the 240 as a recorder. Both in terms of video and audio it has basically everything I need, and basically allows me to turn almost any camera into a sensor box. The Prores shoot-edit workflow is (to my mind) the biggest revelation I've had in video-related work for years - it's just so fast and so simple, it makes me smile.

Paul Ream
April 17th, 2012, 07:16 AM
PIX 260 looks good for studio's... can simultaneously record to multiple disks (4?) which is quite a bonus for critical recordings.

Just uploaded v2 firmware so not had much time to play with my 240. Very impressed with how Sound Devices keep making this product better though. Really loving this recorder - first one I've felt totally happy with.