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Brian Drysdale April 16th, 2012, 12:54 AM Editshare have announce the release date of release version of Lightworks: 28th May 2012.
Editshare announces the release date and more details about the new Lightworks (
The 3 types of subscription are available: free with limited codecs, educational and professional with the proprietary codec.
They are also previewing the 64 bit version and the Linux version.
Editshare demonstrates 64 bit Lightworks and Lightworks for Linux in Tech Previews at NAB 2012 (
Lightworks has a been around since the early days of NLE and was one of the big 2, but has tended to be used more by the feature film community in recent years.
Having played with the public beta version a bit I can say:
Yes it's different to the other NLE, but it also has a flexible logic. It has a very clear workspace and doesn't look like your standard computer program. You need to explore it with open eyes and not compare it to your other NLEs.
You can use the much loved console, keyboard and the mouse. I gather the drag and drop is more powerful in the release version compared to the current beta version. However, I wouldn't hang on too much to drag and dropping everything, because the Lightworks Mark and Park may be a lot quicker.
A catch you out is that all bins by default are temporary and are made permanent by naming them, or selecting permanent. I guess this encourages proper filing.
The terminology is slightly different, but easy to understand. Thumbnails are called tiles, but these are very flexible, they can expand out with a timeline and they can also become an edit in their own right.
Lightworks autosaves everything, so you don't need to save as you go along
This is the windows version, the mac and Linux versions are expected to follow in the future.
It's a great new NLE option, especially if you've got a tight budget, but it's powerful enough to edit feature films.
Adrian Frearson April 16th, 2012, 08:58 AM Thanks for posting this update. It's not very clear from the press release, or the other posts in their forum, whether or not this will be a Windows release at first. I presume that OSX/Windows will roll out first, followed by Linux versions later, but it's a bit unclear if this is the case.
Whatever the case, it's good to see this finally happening.
Brian Drysdale April 16th, 2012, 09:27 AM Yes, it's the window version that's going to be released first. Work on the Mac and Linux versions will seriously begin when the windows version is released. I gather the new architecture makes this an easier operation.
The big surprise is that they're previewing the Linux version before the mac version at NAB. Perhaps those guys were making more noise on the forum and EditShare wanted to show commitment.
Adrian Frearson April 16th, 2012, 03:43 PM Okay, thanks for clearing that up. It seemed from the previous press releases, that the Linux version would be rolled out last, but this sort of makes sense.
Lynne Whelden April 16th, 2012, 05:37 PM I'm all for a new look and a new interface. I saw the "old" version of Lightworks a couple years ago demonstrated at a community college in NJ. Glad I didn't jump on board then because it would have cost me about $7k for the whole works.
The GUI of most edit programs these days are so cluttered, it's like the cockpit of a jet airplane. Time for some really fresh air now!
Brian Drysdale April 20th, 2012, 09:38 AM Okay, thanks for clearing that up. It seemed from the previous press releases, that the Linux version would be rolled out last, but this sort of makes sense.
Editshare have confirmed that they were doing the Linux preview to show that they committed and reacting to accusations of "vapourware" by some people.
Brian Drysdale April 21st, 2012, 07:03 AM For anyone interested in further info, here's a link to the just updated news section of the Lightworks site.
Announcement (
There's nothing added to the latest news links at the top, but by scrolling down you can see most of the recent developments and the hardware that Editshare will be selling on the new web site without trawling through forums. Unfortunately, they were a bit slow off the mark updating their current site's announcements/news page.
There also seems to be a Lightworks publication on the horizon, all part of the release I'd assume.
BTW You can also edit just using a standard keyboard and mouse, so you don't need the specialist kit unless you want to cut at the fastest possible speed.
Brian Drysdale April 23rd, 2012, 02:59 PM Here's video at NAB consisting of an interview with David Shapton about Lightworks .
NAB 2012 - Editshare Lightworks - YouTube (
Lynne Whelden April 23rd, 2012, 05:41 PM It does make me wonder what sort of business can operate by basically giving something away (or only charging $60/year)? To look at their booth, there's obviously major funding behind the effort. What am I missing?
Brian Drysdale April 24th, 2012, 12:58 AM I'm not sure of how the business plan works.
It could be a sort of Ryanair (a very cheap budget airline) approach, by getting the volume, since for most people (even for many hobbyists) the pro subscription makes sense. This means they get a steady revenue stream from this, as against the buy the software and wait until the customer wants to update approach of say Sony Vegas. The customer having the advantage of always having the latest version at what appears to be a lower cost, even in the long run. It also helps to avoid the problem of pirate copies being used.
Lightworks could also create a synergy with their other post production products, so clients may be tempted by a package deal. They're also selling the Lightworks Console and keyboard hardware, and I assume they may continue to do turnkey professional packages.
Lightworks had fallen below the radar for many people, so perhaps Editshare felt they had to have a more "revolutionary" game plan. In tight economic times, with endless codec changes, it seems to make sense for the customer. Having the same NLE as used on many Hollywood feature films would be attractive to quite a few would be film makers.
Steve Game April 24th, 2012, 01:48 AM It does make me wonder what sort of business can operate by basically giving something away (or only charging $60/year)? To look at their booth, there's obviously major funding behind the effort. What am I missing?
During a short conversation with an Editshare rep. at BVE in February, I asked what their business model was. The guy became quite agitated and seemed very unsure of his words. There were inferences that major customers were paying for full support and that the online community provided support for free. I finished the conversation unconvinced.
Adrian Frearson April 24th, 2012, 02:06 AM Brian, thanks for the updates. I'm tempted to set up a PC, being 100% Mac based, just as a Lightworks station. I haven't jumped on FCPX yet, but probably will in the not too distant future. Adding a Lightworks set up, could make for a nice alternative. I guess the success comes down to it becoming widely adopted. An (eventually) cross platform, well priced NLE, could become real competition to the other NLE's.
Brian Drysdale April 24th, 2012, 02:13 AM I think that may be reference to being able to buy a customer support package, which the current commercial customers have. I assume this is similar to the ones that you can buy from computer companies to hold your hand on a more personal basis. This is something that becomes important on multi-million £/$ productions.
From the Lightworks web site:
"For Education or Professional Members that require direct support from EditShare, we offer an annual Support Contract. This covers email, telephone and remote desktop support by a qualified Support Engineer. Beginning in November, we will also be offering customers with Support Contracts access to our Support Group in the Lightworks Community, where they will be able to communicate with Support Engineers through Live Chat.
Support Contracts will be available as follows:
Professional Member Support Contract £395 per year
Education Member Support Contract £195 per year
Education Site Support Contract (10+ users) £1,995 per year"
In the end the volume of customers is key, steerage class made the profits on those great liners, not 1st class. There have been approx 1/4 million downloads of the beta, which may or may not add up to subscriptions, but it does show that there could be a potential revenue stream from low cost annual payments. It's a bit like anti virus software.
There seems to an attempt to create a strong supportive on line community as per RED; their current web site seems to have a steady number of users in the high hundreds at any one time.
Brian Drysdale April 24th, 2012, 02:17 AM Brian, thanks for the updates. I'm tempted to set up a PC, being 100% Mac based, just as a Lightworks station. I haven't jumped on FCPX yet, but probably will in the not too distant future. .
Some people are using boot camp on their macs, but perhaps not the best way of handling the heavy workload..
Brian Drysdale April 25th, 2012, 12:53 AM Here's the Provideo report on Lightworks at NAB
ProVideo the EDITBLOG on PVC by Scott Simmons (
I believe this is the public beta version, rather than the release version.
Brian Drysdale April 25th, 2012, 09:32 AM For anyone using Linux, here is a screen capture of Lightworks running on Ubuntu Linux.
Screen capture of Lightworks on Ubuntu Linux - YouTube (
It's still pre alpha, but was demoed at NAB .
David Stuart Shapton April 29th, 2012, 04:56 AM I'm not sure of how the business plan works.
It could be a sort of Ryanair (a very cheap budget airline) approach, by getting the volume, since for most people (even for many hobbyists) the pro subscription makes sense. This means they get a steady revenue stream from this, as against the buy the software and wait until the customer wants to update approach of say Sony Vegas. The customer having the advantage of always having the latest version at what appears to be a lower cost, even in the long run. It also helps to avoid the problem of pirate copies being used.
Lightworks could also create a synergy with their other post production products, so clients may be tempted by a package deal. They're also selling the Lightworks Console and keyboard hardware, and I assume they may continue to do turnkey professional packages.
Lightworks had fallen below the radar for many people, so perhaps Editshare felt they had to have a more "revolutionary" game plan. In tight economic times, with endless codec changes, it seems to make sense for the customer. Having the same NLE as used on many Hollywood feature films would be attractive to quite a few would be film makers.
Yes, it's all about volume. The model is that by keeping the barrier to entry very low, but with sufficient incentive to upgrade to the pro version (full codecs, real-time title tool etc) enough people will pay the $60 per year to fund continued development. We have such a huge community out there that we're confident about the future of Lightworks. Of course, the more people subscribe, the faster the updates come - but there will always be a free version for people that just want to "dabble". If it becomes part of your primary workflow, then the $60 is fairly trival.
The alternative, which is a "pay once" model, would have increased our expenses massively. We'd have had to license the codecs on that basis instead of a yearly renewal. Our gut feeling is that we'd have had to charge TEN TIMES as much.
David Stuart Shapton April 29th, 2012, 05:02 AM During a short conversation with an Editshare rep. at BVE in February, I asked what their business model was. The guy became quite agitated and seemed very unsure of his words. There were inferences that major customers were paying for full support and that the online community provided support for free. I finished the conversation unconvinced.
Steve, you may have been talking to someone at Editshare who was not directly involved in Lightworks.
Editshare's main business is shared storage and workflow solutions, and this has given them the confidence and financial ability to develop and promote Lightworks. So we don't have a "hard" or "obvious" business model for Lightworks except that it's being developed as a core part of the company, and we've pitched the price for the Pro version very low, at $60 per year, so that if you like the software there's very little reason not to upgrade from the free version. With over a quarter of a million downloads of the beta version, we've every reason to think that the uptake of the fully functional, cross platform versions will be more than ample to support continued development.
Lynne Whelden April 29th, 2012, 05:59 AM I'm probably alone in this wish but...
I love hard copy books. I would love to have a printed "quick start" guide or even a manual that describes the basics of using the software. (Given how long Sony Vegas has been around, believe it or not, there's only one outdated book available. Whereas for FCP, there are many good books to choose from. Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?)
To me it's not very reassuring to run into a problem, then hope that someone in a chat room will deem my need important enough to respond to. Sometimes they do, but sometimes they don't. Then what?
David Stuart Shapton April 29th, 2012, 06:40 AM There's a manual now for Lightworks and a Quick Start Guide on the Lightworksbeta site. There will be a new professionally authored manual with the new release on 28th May - so you don't have to rely on the forum, but if you do, you'll find it incredibly responsive: the developers and product managers post frequently there.
Brian Drysdale April 29th, 2012, 06:48 AM Training material will be important and I gather Editshare are putting together professionally prepared material for the release version. PDF tutorials over and above the manual have been suggested, so you don't seem to alone in wanting hard copies because at least one person on the lIghtworks forum wants to print out PDF tutorials.
There may be a market for a print version of the manual, giving people the choice of a free PDF that can be downloaded or a hard copy to be purchased separately.
I'm hoping they provide some interactive tutorials in the future.
I suspect the 3rd party manuals will need some time for the market to be assessed and for the potential writers to use the new version in anger on productions. There are new options on the release version, so these may need to be assessed by working editors before offering useful hints.
Brian Drysdale May 7th, 2012, 01:53 AM I presume that OSX/Windows will roll out first, followed by Linux versions later, but it's a bit unclear if this is the case. .
It seems that the Linux version is coming before the OSX version. I don't know the reasoning, perhaps in programming for Linux you're on the road to the OSX version with positive advantages going that route. Also, many of Editshare's other products are available on Linux.
However, I did come across a hint on another web site that the mac version is hoped to be available before the end of the year.
David Stuart Shapton May 7th, 2012, 08:23 AM Brian, you're right.
OS X and Linux are down the same path, and we reach a releasable version of Linux before OS X.
In an ideal world, we'd release all versions at the same time.
Just for information: the way we've built the new versions of Lightworks is that all three OS versions share 95% of the same code, and it's only the remaining 5% that is OS-specific.
So, for example, if we were to add new features, or fix any bugs, we can fix them in all three versions at the same time, unless it's in the OS-Specific layer.
We're not talking about release dates until we have a reasonable idea what they might be ourselves, but now that the Windows version is (nearly!) done, we can put all our resources into the Linux version, and much of that work will take us closer to having an OS X version.
I hope this clarifies things.
Let me know if I can help with any other questions about Lightworks!
Brian Drysdale May 28th, 2012, 11:54 PM After approx one and half years as a public beta, the release version is now available.
Lightworks big selling point was that it was designed by editors, not computer people, so it really is a matter of feeling your way into it, rather than expecting it to be the same as other NLEs. However, it's no more difficult to learn than any other professional editing program. The biggest shock often being that it doesn't have a rigid layout, however, you can set the layout anyway you want depending on the operation you're doing.
There are a number of video tutorials around for the beta, although the release version has more powerful drag and drop. However, you may find it better to not get into drag and dropping everything, but use the mouse to click your way through timelines and make full use of the scroll wheel. This is a lot quicker than dragging stuff around. There is a specialist keyboard on sale at the new web site. plus the console.
Lightworks autosaves and now auto backups after every 10 editing operations.
This is the Windows version, Linux and then mac versions are to follow. Although some people are using bootcamp on their macs. Lightworks doesn't seem to be as demanding as some NLEs in computing power and people have been using older machines. Although, with say longer GOP H.264, you'll need a fast system with extra RAM etc for smooth operation.
You can upgrade from the free version to a pro version that uses a wide range of codecs (there's an education option as well) and AVID DN X HD is also an upgrade option. I notice that Boris is for sale, so that might be of interest as well.
You need the pro version to use directly use codecs from DSLRs and modern camcorders, otherwise you'll need to transcode to edit these on the free version. Note the titler is in the pro version. not the free version
James Clarke May 29th, 2012, 01:09 PM the link does not work
Brian Drysdale May 29th, 2012, 01:17 PM The web site is extremely busy. Last time I looked there was approx 10,000 users on the site, I suspect the site has crashed from the pressure.
EDIT: Just checked again the link is working, but there are nearly 17,000 users.
Brian Drysdale May 31st, 2012, 01:06 AM A note for DSLR users among the known issues.
"Performance issues working with H.264 files natively. This will be resolved in the update shortly"
This aspect seems to be a work in progress. The drag and drop is noticeably different to the beta, however, I notice one rather neat scroll wheel function for viewing tiles in the bin has been lost. Hopefully, it'll return in the next update.
I notice there have been nearly 80,000 downloads in just over a couple of days. Although, I'm not sure how some of them are going to know what to do, since there has only been approx 1,100 downloads of the user guide. However, I expect many will be using the on line video tutorials that people have made.
UPDATE The scroll wheel function for viewing tiles in the bin will be back in the next build.
NOTE DSLR Post Prep seems to work well with the free version of LW
Brian Drysdale June 1st, 2012, 02:26 AM If anyone is thinking of using the free version for a serious project, rather than just playing or testing, it would be a good idea to test your workflow and settings first.
Using the free version can involve transcoding and since Lightworks is basically a broadcast and film NLE, rather than a multimedia platform, so you don't want to put a lot of work into editing something only to run into export difficulties. This seems to be more of an issue with the free version, since you don't have the wider range of codec options found in the Pro version.
Regarding their web site forum, developers seem to be pretty quickly across any possible issue that might need adjustments to the software. There are some known issues which can be checked on the downloads page.
Brian Drysdale June 1st, 2012, 10:46 AM It was a bit slow in getting going, but the educational license for teachers now seems to be available. I gather it does currently involve some e-mails.
Brian Drysdale June 2nd, 2012, 12:35 AM With currently over 160,000 downloads of V11 since Monday/Tuesday, Lightworks seems to arrived again from being a feature film niche player. Their next step is the 64bit version, which is due in the near future.
Lightworks is a neat option to have available and like selecting a camera, it comes down to if a particular NLE is the right tool for the job. It might look a bit strange to the IT eye and seem clunky at first glance, but this program is incredibly fast for editing sequences. All NLE's have their advantages and disadvantages, so it is a matter of matching up your requirements. One surprise is how small this program is, only 200 MB is needed compared to the GBs required by some of the other programs.
For anyone interested, here are links to some on line video tutorials. They're for the beta version, so some drag & drop aspects will have changed, plus you can import stills into the timeline as video and the Pro version has a titler. Like Photoshop there are a number of ways of doing things, so the methods used in one or two tutorials aren't the quickest.
I don't know if Chris wants to create a Lightworks sub forum, but perhaps he might consider putting up a link similar to that used for the RED camera.
Brian Drysdale June 5th, 2012, 03:57 AM With just over 250,000 downloads, some of those being multipliable due to downloading issues, Lightworks seem to be moving towards completing work on their web site. This will include a separate Pro community offering different forums.
There are some issues with installing Lightworks that are affecting a number of people - Sentinel HASP seems be causing particular problems. Unfortunately, solutions which seem to work with some people don't work for others. My Lightworks installed with the firewall and anti virus on, but these programs are seeming to cause problems for some people, even when they are switched off. Lightworks recommend switching them off when installing. Although, the vast majority of people seem to have installed without any difficulties.
There is some confusion over open source. Lightworks is not currently open source, that's at the 4th stage of Editshare's road map. I gather there are codes in the software which have digital copyright held by others, these have to be replaced. There seems to be various forms of "open source", so which Editshare goes for remains to be seen. Currently they seem to be prioritising the demand from people who want to use the program on the three platforms,
UPDATE I gather Lightworks are hoping to release an update, perhaps this week. I guess this comes from the feedback received over the last week following the initial V11 release, plus some work that missed out on that. Developers have been involved with the forum, picking up on issues raised.
Brian Drysdale June 6th, 2012, 04:51 PM I understand the update that I mentioned should address the activation issues that some people are having.
Brian Drysdale June 10th, 2012, 02:43 AM Lightworks autosaves and now auto backups after every 10 editing operations.
Perhaps this could be a bit confusing. Lightworks remembers every move, so if something crashes you don't lose anything, but it also auto backs ups every 10 editing operations. Sort of belt and braces.
People are finding that they can't use some of the codecs that were possible on the beta version on the new free version. The beta used Matrox codecs which aren't being used on the V11, so you may now need to transcode to use those unavailable codecs on the free version. The Pro version can import a wide range of codecs and having enough people subscribing to this upgrade over the longer term seems to be key to the viability of the project.
Brian Drysdale June 14th, 2012, 01:03 AM Now that the release Lightworks has been out for just over a couple of weeks the main issues with V11 can be seen.
The activating and installing issues that a number of people are having is currently being addressed.
AVCHD files that contain AC-3 audio will not import with audio, apparently licensing restrictions are being investigated.
Native H.264 performance isn't currently satisfactory on the Pro version, a software update is due "shortly".
There is a pdf list of known issues on the Lightworks download page, which includes the last two issues. If any on the list affect jobs in hand or near future it would make sense to hold off using Lightworks for these productions until they're resolved or you've tested them to your satifaction. However, people are transcoding in the short term to get around the issues mentioned.
Interestingly, a few items that worked fine on the beta, don't work on the V11, but as they're reported on the Lightworks forum their developers seem to be addressing them.
A new manual is being worked on and I gather at least one writer is working on a book on using Lightworks. I suspect this will help with learning the program, because there can be a number of ways to do an operation with Lightworks and often there seems to be a quick, simple method hidden away that the pros have been using for years.
Brian Drysdale June 21st, 2012, 02:51 AM I've has a chance to play with different methods of using Lightworks, although not with the console. Speaking to editors who've used it, that's like editing with a musical instrument, the fastest method.
I used the AVID keyboard shortcuts initially and although it works, it doesn't get the best out of Lightworks. Not having the Lightworks keyboard, I've used a normal keyboard combined with a print out of the layout and this is really logical. It would be even better with the dedicated keyboard, but you quickly pick up the main ones. There is some crossover with the JKL and other keys with the other NLE keyboards, so not totally different.
Drag and drop also works for moving clips around the timeline, although not precisely the same way as with say Vegas, you'll get into trouble doing so. For example, it's usually best drag and dropping clips from the bin via the edit viewer (it automatically drops into the timeline), rather than directly into the timeline. Drag and dropping tends to be slower than the other methods and seems to work best combined with the keyboard; it's a lot quicker inserting a clip from the bin using the "V" key than dragging it.
There are quick, couple of mouse click methods of putting in dissolves and audio cross fades etc. There's the option of displaying audio waveforms, adjusting the audio levels and using audio nodes in the timeline. The fade in/out and other end of timeline clip features aren't that dissimilar to say Vegas, the Join and Unjoin button may seem strange, but it enables all the clip tracks at the play head to be quickly joined/unjoined for trimming... you can also do this with each track individually using the mouse.
Overall a bit of a learning curve, but that's no different to other NLEs, it's more a matter of if you like the way Lightworks does things.
Currently an update is being tested, which they hope will address the issues spotted following the V11.release.
Brian Drysdale July 3rd, 2012, 03:08 PM Editshare have now launched the official training videos for V11 Lightworks. At the moment these are introductory, "quick get you started" tutorials, but I gather there will be more advanced ones coming along. In these I expect they'll explore the fast methods of putting in the transitions like dissolves etc, just in case people get the false impression there's only one way and it looks a performance.
Tutorials (
The previous online training videos were produced by members of the Lightworks forum and independent film makers.
Brian Drysdale July 5th, 2012, 01:52 PM V11.0.1, the updated version of Lightworks is available for download. This fixes a number of issues found on V11 and has a number of improvements, including using AVCHD material with AC3 audio on the Pro version.
Because of this work the 64 bit Beta version has been delayed, but this is expected "before the end of the month".
Brian Drysdale September 4th, 2012, 12:39 PM The new Lightworks 11.0.2 built is now available. This fixes a number of issues found on the previous build and adds some more features.
I gather Lightworks 11.1 will be available as a Beta download very shortly and the 64bit Beta version is still being worked on and will be available shortly..
They're planing to showcase the Linux version at IBC.
People using Lightworks Free have found a number of free programs that can transcode codecs for use in this program. This also offers easier editing to people who have less powerful computers.
Robert John September 4th, 2012, 04:02 PM No version for Mac
Brian Drysdale September 4th, 2012, 04:49 PM They're developing the Linux version first because it's en-route to the mac version.
BTW The Linux showcase version isn't yet at the beta stage, but Editshare want to demonstrate their commitment to the Linux community.
Dom Stevenson September 5th, 2012, 09:11 AM Interesting stuff. I'm in MacLand so have a while to wait yet.
Many thanks Brian for keeping us up to date on these exciting developments.
Brian Drysdale September 5th, 2012, 11:39 AM If anyone is trying to download or install the latest version (or even visit the web site), I gather the servers are currently under a lot of load, so there may be short term connection issues.
Update: this seems to have cleared.
Brian Drysdale September 6th, 2012, 03:20 AM Interesting stuff. I'm in MacLand so have a while to wait yet.
I'd imagine by the time it's available on Mac many of the current issues will be sorted. The main ones currently seem to be centred around importing some consumer and prosumer type codecs*, which need transcoding. The developers are aware of this and these, plus other things that are listed on the known issues notes. The users are also giving lots of feedback to them.
Of course, no doubt there'll be Mac specific issues.
*I gather the Free version will continue to need transcoding with third party software because of the cost of codec licenses
Brian Drysdale September 18th, 2012, 03:19 PM They're hoping to have the Linux version for public alpha testing on 30th Oct initially using Ubuntu 12.04. It will look and feel the same as the Lightworks Windows version, although some components like Firewire recording won't be available.
Brian Drysdale October 18th, 2012, 11:07 AM Version 11.0.3 of Lightworks is available for download, this fixes a few issues.
An announcement for Beta version of V11.1 is expected shortly
There's currently no news on the 64 bit version of Lightworks
Miko Meloni October 20th, 2012, 07:20 PM Waiting the mac version
Chris Barcellos October 21st, 2012, 12:46 PM Version 11.0.3 of Lightworks is available for download, this fixes a few issues.
An announcement for Beta version of V11.1 is expected shortly
There's currently no news on the 64 bit version of Lightworks
32 bit will function on 64 bit machines, though, right ?
Brian Drysdale October 21st, 2012, 04:22 PM Yes, it runs fine on mine. It'll run on Windows XP Professional SP3, Windows Vista or Windows 7 (32 bit or 64 bit).
I gather that the V11.1 Beta will be 32bit and 64 bit
Brian Drysdale October 27th, 2012, 05:02 AM For people wanting to use or try out Lightworks Free, the Eyeframe converter seems to be the current tool of choice by a number of people for translating files into a format that can be used on the Free version. It's written by a member of the Lightworks forum. Links and a video tutorial can be found on the Lightworks forum in the thread on Eyeframe.
Other options are DSLR Post Prep, Handbrake, GoPro Cineform Studio Free.
Brian Drysdale October 28th, 2012, 02:34 AM Yes, it runs fine on mine. It'll run on Windows XP Professional SP3, Windows Vista or Windows 7 (32 bit or 64 bit).
Also, although not officially supported, people are managing to install on Windows 8. However, currently this does involve a workaround to manually install HASP downloaded from Sentinel.