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Brian Drysdale June 7th, 2019, 10:27 AM The Lightworks V14.6 Revision 114863 on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X is now available to download.
Lightworks is aiming for a short testing period before the full release, so that they can focus on version 15.0.
Some of the new features in version 14.6 are listed below:
Added "Libraries" heading to the Content Manager
Moved Local files import option under this heading
Moved Audio Network import option under this heading
Moved Pond5 import option under this heading
Added improvements to Audio Network integration
Media can now be imported into a project
Media can now be used in a sequence
Export is prevented if the sequence contains non purchased media
Added ability to handle still images correctly
Added new "Images" filter
Images now import at the correct scale ratio rather than being scaled to the output format
Added ability to drag an image into the sequence viewer or timeline
Removed pagination on search results
Added improvements to varispeed in Flexible layout
Added segment right-click 'Speed' menu item
Added 'Show segments speeds' option on the timeline appearance panel (to restore per-track speed widgets)
Removed per-track speed button by default
Added support for Ubuntu 19.04
Added ability to detect rotated phone footage and rotate it to the correct orientation automatically
Added HD overlay to the vectorscope
Added support for browsing "Amazing Music Tracks" from within "Libraries"
Added new enhancements for Tile view bins (text now appears outside of the tile rather than overlaying the image) Fixed layout only
Added "Metadata, Decode, Cue Markers and BITC" tabs from the Log layout to the Edit layout (Fixed layout only)
Added ability to generate .lvix seek files locally (previously stored next to linked media)
Added Timeline tab underneath the Viewer on the Log and Edit tabs
Added scrollbars to sequence timelines (Video and Audio tracks)
Added Blackmagic BRAW decode panel to the Video tab of the project card
Added UHD Media to the Media->Transcoding tab to allow for transcoding to UHD on import
Added ability to switch between a Simple search and an Advanced search on the Search panel
Added better Keyboard shortcut handling of using standard keyboard shortcuts ie, pressing delete deletes clips
Added ability to select segments on the sequence timeline
Added ability to right click a clip containing ranged cue markers and select Make->Sequence from Cue Markers
Added ability to continue an interrupted transcode task
Added option 'remove from bin' to the deletion panel
Added keyboard key assignment for adding a VFX keyframe
Added compound effect to incorporate image-matte and blend (ie. a single-node image-key)
Added better categories for Keyboard Assignments list
Added German translation wordings into the installers
Added ability to move an effect along the timeline without changing it's routing
Added 'Modification date' for audio only files on the filecard
Added ability to reorder filecard metadata items for all log types (previously it was only possible for V/A clips)
Added ability to use torn-off timecodes using the left mouse button
Added ability to select multiple items then edit the text for one of the fields which now causes all rows to be updated
Added ability to apply effects to selected timeline segments
Added "Region" option to the AAF export panel
Added 'selected segments' to the sequence copy panel
Added ability to right-click an Effect node and choose 'Replace with >'
Added ability to right click the video routing panel to add a new node
Added ability to change the import method for audio only files on the batch import panel
Added support for 100fps media in a 24fps project
Added ability to change the size of the project thumbnail images by holding down CTRL and scrolling with the mouse wheel
Added keyboard shortcut assignment for moving focus to the record sequence or source clip
Added ability to make milestones much easier to resurrect
Added visible media file name/extension to the file path
Improved timeline sync-loss representation
Updated to the latest MainConcept 10.5.3 and 4.2.1 SDK's
Brian Drysdale June 14th, 2019, 11:05 AM The second revision of the V14.6 beta is now available
This has a number of fixes.
Brian Drysdale June 20th, 2019, 04:54 PM The third Beta of Lightworks 14.6 which includes some powerful new keyboard shortcuts along with finally introducing start and end clip thumbnails on the sequence timeline is now available.
This also includes a number of fixes.
Brian Drysdale June 28th, 2019, 04:49 PM The 4th beta of Lightworks 14.6 is available for download.
This latest version includes preliminary support for HEVC/H.265 decoding and adds a new timeline menu option for clearing/adding marks & cover art for audio-only clips that support it. Plus fixes
This next release of Lightworks (14.6) will be the last that includes a 32bit Windows build.
Brian Drysdale August 21st, 2019, 09:41 AM After a delay, the 5th beta of V14.6 is now available for download.
This has fixes for issues that arose in the previous beta build and adds new features including:the ability to select multiple segments on the sequence timeline right-click and choose 'Add' or 'Remove' (if there are any effects to remove), to lasso clips in the sequence timeline, resize keyframe graphs using CTRL and mouse wheel and others.
Brian Drysdale September 11th, 2019, 06:16 AM The 5th beta of V14,6 is available for download.
Lightworks say:
"This next version resolves several of the known issues we have been working on. We still have some improvements to add for decoding of HEVC/H.265 once complete, we hope to set a release date of Lightworks 14.6"
Brian Drysdale September 19th, 2019, 12:34 PM The 6th beta of V14,6 is now available for download.
Lightworks say: "This next version resolves several regressions between version 14.5 and 14.6. There are still some issues surrounding XML/AAF interchange along with finalising the decoding of HEVC/H.265 media. We are looking to finalise these before announcing the release date."
Provisional RAW still image support for more camera types. the ability to search cue marker text via the search panel and the ability to create coloured cue markers easily during playback have been added. Also fixes
Brian Drysdale October 30th, 2019, 02:12 PM The next Beta of version on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X is now available to download!
The Lightworks developers are now very close to completing this Beta Cycle with an aim of releasing in November. They will be changing the name from ’Lightworks 14.6’ to “Lightworks 2020.1’ to align with the rest of the EditShare product lineup,
There's a number of new additions this this build including:
Improvements to H.265/HEVC file handling. ability to set a custom length on dissolves & audio cross fades when right clicking a cut point
Support for segment Enable/Disable on the sequence timeline:
Added keyboard shortcut assignment for 'Activate selected segments'
Added keyboard shortcut assignment for 'Deactivate selected segments'
Added keyboard shortcut assignment for 'Toggle segment activation'
Added keyboard shortcut assignment for 'Activate all segments'
Improvements to how search results are handled when searching for Bins and other search improvements/
Plus numerous fixes.
Brian Drysdale December 11th, 2019, 05:12 AM The next Beta of version 2020.1 (nee V14.6) Revision 118776 on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X is now available to download.
This is the first build with the new version number (14.6->2020.1) and one of the biggest changes is the minimum requirement for .deb installs now being 18.04 and the minimum for .rpm being Fedora 30. They are aiming for a release now before the end of this year and believe this latest version resolves a lot a of the previous showstoppers reported.
This has added the ability to choose All/Selected tracks when making a copy of a sequence, more information to the import panel when encountering unsupported formats, the ability to highlight/recolour clips on the timeline, scroll bar to the Effects transition selection box, ability to specify custom metadata mapping .Export/Render option of 50/59.97 for UHD Cineform, hyperlink to upload location for YouTube videos for easy access to uploaded videos.
Also support on Mac for exporting to Apple ProRes UHD formats (Lightworks Pro only)
Plus fixes
Brian Drysdale December 18th, 2019, 05:04 AM The next Beta of version 2020.1 is now available to download.
This latest build has only a few fixes to resolve recent issues that have been reported, Lightworks hope to release imminently.
Brian Drysdale January 30th, 2020, 05:02 PM The latest V2020.1 beta ( Revision 119451 ) is now available for download.
This latest build resolves performance issues with H.265/HEVC media and editing MTS files on Linux. Also
Added display warning of GOP length in Red/Amber on the import panel if it is likely to cause playback issues. There are also various fixes.
Lightworks are looking to complete this Beta cycle within the next couple of weeks
Brian Drysdale February 12th, 2020, 12:35 PM The next Beta of Lightworks version 2020.1 Revision 119765 on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X is now available to download.
This latest build resolves several regressions that have crept in. Lightworks hope to release 2020.1 before the end of this month,
Brian Drysdale February 14th, 2020, 10:54 AM The next Beta of version 2020.1 Revision 119829 is now available to download!
There were several reported issues in the build that was uploaded earlier this week and Lightworks hopes that this latest goes someway to resolving them,
Brian Drysdale February 16th, 2020, 02:05 PM The next Beta of version 2020.1 Revision 119866 is now available to download.
Another build in short succession, this is due to a show stopping issue, so update immediately if you were running the previous build.
Brian Drysdale March 5th, 2020, 11:17 AM The next Beta of version 2020.1 Revision 120260 on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X is now available to download
Lightworks are confident that they are closing in on an imminent release, there is a known issue in this build with XAVC MXF which they're looking to resolve shortly. There are also fixes.
Brian Drysdale March 6th, 2020, 11:06 AM The next Beta of version 2020.1 Revision 120288 is now available to download
This build resolves the issue with XAVC MXF media and resolves a couple of issues with the Linux version.
Brian Drysdale March 10th, 2020, 10:32 AM The next Beta of version 2020.1 Revision 120339 on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X is now available to download
This latest build resolves several issues reported and added further improvements for XAVC playback Lightworks hope to finalise the release version this week
Brian Drysdale March 13th, 2020, 10:54 AM The next Beta of version 2020.1 Revision 120433 is now available to download.
This latest build resolves all the major issues prior to releasing, please be sure to check that this build is working as you expect as Lightworks hope to make it public next week.
Brian Drysdale March 20th, 2020, 10:03 AM The next Beta version 2020.1 Revision 120537 is now available to download.
Due to the current uncertain situation Lightworks is holding off the release for another week or so. This latest build resolves a couple of regressions that the extra time has allowed the developers to resolve.
Brian Drysdale April 17th, 2020, 10:07 AM The next Beta of version 2020.1 Revision 121161 is now available to download.
Things have been progressing slower over the last few weeks due to the current world situation, Lightworks is hoping to announce the new release date very soon.
There is a number of fixes plus more information added to the error.log for importing files
Brian Drysdale May 6th, 2020, 02:43 AM The next Beta of version 2020.1 Revision 121665 on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X is now available to download.
This resolves some issues that have been reported and added better notification should a YouTube upload fail due to no channel being present
Brian Drysdale May 18th, 2020, 11:46 AM The next Beta of version 2020.1 Revision 122068 on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X is now available to download.
This has some fixes and Lightworks hope to be able to release 2020.1 this week.
Brian Drysdale May 19th, 2020, 11:29 AM Lightworks V2020.1 (formerly V14.6) is now released.
This latest version adds support for importing and decoding HEVC/H.265 media natively including being able to create proxy files to work with until switching back to the Hi-Res to render/export the sequence.
Some of the other new features in version 2020.1 can be seen below:
Added decode support for HEVC/H.265 files
Added ability to lasso segments on the sequence timeline
Added support for the latest versions of Ubuntu
Added ability to detect rotated phone footage and rotate it to the correct orientation automatically
Added "Libraries" heading to the Content Manager
Moved Local files import option under this heading
Moved Audio Network import option under this heading
Moved Pond5 import option under this heading
Added improvements to Audio Network integration
Media can now be imported into a project
Media can now be used in a sequence
Export is prevented if the sequence contains non purchased media
Added ability to handle still images correctly
Added new "Images" filter
Images now import at the correct scale ratio rather than being scaled to the output format
Added ability to drag an image into the sequence viewer or timeline
Removed pagination on search results
Added improvements to varispeed in Flexible layout
Added segment right-click 'Speed' menu item
Added 'Show segments speeds' option on the timeline appearance panel (to restore per-track speed widgets)
Removed per-track speed button by default
Added HD overlay to the vectorscope
Added support for browsing "Amazing Music Tracks" from within "Libraries"
Added new enhancements for Tile view bins (text now appears outside of the tile rather than overlaying the image) Fixed layout only
Added ability to generate .lvix seek files locally (previously stored next to linked media)
Added Blackmagic BRAW decode panel to the Video tab of the project card
Added UHD Media to the Media->Transcoding tab to allow for transcoding to UHD on import
Added better Keyboard shortcut handling of using standard keyboard shortcuts ie, pressing delete deletes clips
Added ability to select segments on the sequence timeline
Added ability to right click a clip containing ranged cue markers and select Make->Sequence from Cue Markers
Added better categories for Keyboard Assignments list
Added German translation wordings into the installers
Added ability to move an effect along the timeline without changing it's routing
Added ability to select multiple items then edit the text for one of the fields which now causes all rows to be updated
Added ability to apply effects to selected timeline segments
Added ability to change the size of the project thumbnail images by holding down CTRL and scrolling with the mouse wheel
Improved timeline sync-loss representation
Updated to the latest MainConcept SDK's
And much more!
The full list of fixes and other improvements in version 2020.1 can be found in the 2020.1 Release Notes document on the Downloads page
Main new features:
Brian Drysdale September 22nd, 2020, 10:47 AM Lightworks have released a maintenance built V2020.1.1
This latest version is purely to update the EULA within the installers (based on Lightworks now being owned by LWKS Software LTD) but does also include a couple of fixes which should help to address some issues that have arisen since May 2020.
Their next step is to make Lightworks 2021.1 available as a public beta version over the coming weeks.
Brian Drysdale October 14th, 2020, 09:26 AM The first build of the V2021,1 beta is now available for downloading. This is the first major version under the new owners.
New features include:
Projects created in Lightworks no longer require a frame rate to be selected during project creation. This allows for any frame rate content to be imported to a project and played back, logged and added to a sequence seamlessly, including:
All content is played at its natural rate regardless of media frame rate.
Import 23.98fps, 24fps, 25fps, 29.97fps, 30fps, 50fps, 60fps, 120fps, and 240fps media into the same project
The video output format is now set per sequence instead of on the project card
Copies of a sequence can be made for different output frame rates if required
Asset Associations now allow for sequences, clips, subclips, documents, and to be linked together by loading an asset into the source viewer and selecting the “Associates” tab:
Added “Square” and “Portrait” sequence output formats for social media.
There are other additions and fixes.
With this version, Lightworks is now only available as 64 bit.
Brian Drysdale October 21st, 2020, 06:21 AM The 2nd Lightworks V2021.1 beta has been released
This build resolves several important issues raised over the last week and includes the ability to modify the appearance of the user interface even further.
There's new user interface changes throughout the application with some new icons throughout the application (work in progress) more configuration options for configuring the user interface within the "Appearance" panel: Global: Font, Panels, Flexible layout, Menus, Popups, Buttons and Tables
Plus a number of fixes.
Brian Drysdale October 28th, 2020, 08:53 AM The third Lightworks Beta Version 2021.1 (revision 125517) now available on Windows Linux and Mac.
This adds ability to 'H.264/MP4", 'MOV', 'MXF' and 'AVI' using a custom output format (Lightworks Pro Only)
There are also various fixes.
Brian Drysdale November 4th, 2020, 07:33 AM The fourth Lightworks Beta Version 2021.1 is now available on Windows Linux and Mac.
This latest build includes translations to Korean and Vietnamese among several other regressions reported.
There is a known issue with ShuttlePRO devices which is being resolved by Contour,
Brian Drysdale November 11th, 2020, 05:30 PM The fifth Lightworks Beta Version 2021.1 is now available on Windows Linux and Mac
This build has a number of additions, updates and fixes. Lightworks is aiming for a release at the end of November.
Brian Drysdale November 18th, 2020, 04:52 PM The sixth V2021.1 beta has been released.
Some important issues have still to be resolved, so Lightworks will be delaying the release version for at least two weeks.
The following have been added: 'DCI 4k' (4096x2160) 19:10 as an output option for 4K media.
the ability to adjust timeline segment colours (within the sequence timeline 'Settings' panel) and an
option on the 'System Settings' panel for choosing how to output source media to the hardware I/O.
There are also various fixes.
Brian Drysdale November 25th, 2020, 12:37 PM The seventh Lightworks Beta Version 2021.1 is now available on Windows Linux and Mac
This has added further icon improvements to the user interface and also maximum codec supported bitrates to the H.264/MP4 compression panel on export.
It improves the way users select the RED R3D Decode options on the project card and DVEs (2D and 3D) positioning when switching to a different sequence output format.
For Mac, support for mac OS version 11.0 (Big Sur) is added.
There's also a number of fixes.
Brian Drysdale December 2nd, 2020, 10:09 AM The seventh Lightworks Beta Version 2021.1 is now available on Windows Linux and Mac
16th December is the target date for releasing V2021.1.
The following have been added: the ability to show what the image was on an offline media file. for the 'Associates > Constituents' including subclips if the sequence refers to them and sequence 'constituents' to show marked regions corresponding to the portion that's in use.
There are a number of fixes.
Brian Drysdale December 9th, 2020, 09:06 AM The 8th V20.21.1 beta is now available
There is one week to go until release on the 16th. Should needs be, Lightworks may release another Beta build on Friday this week (feedback dependent) in preparation for release.
When dragging and dropping into the application, the following have been added: the ability to change the frame rate on an EDL ;the ability to change the frame rate on image sequences; the ability to change the frame rate on Audio Only files. Also. a panel when creating a sequence from a bin for choosing the sequence frame-rate (when the proposed constituent clips don't share the same frame-rate)/
There are various fixes.
Brian Drysdale December 11th, 2020, 11:01 AM The 9th V20.21.1 beta is now available
Lightworks hope that this should be the final build ready for release on Wednesday next week.
These additions gave been made: the ability to display BITC information for Subclip/Sync metadata on sequences, improvements to proxy generation from 4k and higher media when using 'Same as source, improvements to proxies generated from H.265/HEVC media and tooltips to enabled BITC overlay labels on the viewer.
There are also various fixes.
Brian Drysdale December 18th, 2020, 12:53 PM The tenth V2021.1 beta is now available
This build resolves an export quality issue with some graphics cards, incorrect transparency handling on Mac and some instability issues. Lightworks are aiming to release next week (all being well)
Brian Drysdale December 23rd, 2020, 12:36 PM The 11th Lightworks Beta Version 2021.1 (revision 126396) is now available on Windows Linux and Mac.
Two of the serious issues reported recently, with sluggish behaviour with lack of playback and failure to export to H.264 have been resolved, plus a number of other fixes.
This build will be the last of 2020, so the final release of V2021.1 has been delayed to January.
Brian Drysdale January 6th, 2021, 12:32 PM The 11th Lightworks Beta Version 2021.1 is now available on Windows Linux and Mac
Lightworks hopes to have the release later this month, There has been a number of fixes based on the more detailed testing over the holidays.
Brian Drysdale January 13th, 2021, 12:31 PM The 12th Lightworks Beta Version 2021.1 is now available on Windows Linux and Mac
This is hoped to be the last V2021.1 beta before release.It has added improvements for H.265/HEVC decoding and playback and Improved performance with Apple ProRes decoding on Windows and Linux. There are also various fixes.
Brian Drysdale January 15th, 2021, 02:10 PM Lightworks Beta Version 2021.1 revision 126676 is now available on Windows Linux and Mac.
This is the final build now in preparation for release on Wednesday 20th January and has some fixes.
Brian Drysdale January 20th, 2021, 02:57 PM Lightworks Version 2012.1 is now released
Lightworks say:
"This latest version is probably the biggest release in the last ten years! Changing some of the fundamental foundations to allow us to build a more powerful and flexible product over the coming years."
"The overall foundations of the application have been rewritten with a faster and more flexible open architecture. This allows any media to be brought into a project and played at its natural size and frame-rate without being altered".
New Features Include:
Projects No Longer Have Frame Rates
The video output format is now set per sequence
Resolution preservation
Added ‘Square’ and “Portrait’ Sequence Output Formats For Social Media
Define Sequence Custom Output Aspect Ratios (Lightworks Pro Only)
Added Asset Associations
More details here:
Brian Drysdale February 3rd, 2021, 11:33 AM The Lightworks V2021.1,1 beta is now available.
This latest build is a maintenance release for 2021.1 that fixes some important issues that have been raised recently, along with a few fixes that were not ready in time for the 2021.1 release.
Added new keyboard shortcut commands
"Save current sequence frame" (which saves the frame from the current record sequence)
"Save current frame" (which saves the frame from the focus)
"Associates" (which opens the Associates tab for the current clip/sequence)
Added additional capabilities to the "Find-> Clip references' panel
Segments with/without "Effects" can now be searched for (can be narrowed down to just Video or Audio by deselecting the tracks)
Segments with/without "Media" can now be searched for
Segments with/without "Cue Markers" can now be searched for
Segments that are "Active" Yes/No can now be searched for
Restored the ability to 'Jump to next match' and 'Jump to previous match' options
Added ability to set the default frame rate for importable items which do not have a known frame-rate
Added 'Frame-rate' to the list of default table view Bin attributes
Added new hint when revealing the 'New project' panel for the first time in a Universal Project version of Lightworks
Brian Drysdale February 12th, 2021, 02:01 PM The 2nd V2021.1,1 beta is now available.
This latest build fixes a few regressions that have crept in along with adding further improvements to audio handling with hardware I/O. Lightworks is still keeping changes to a minimum during this cycle and hope to be able to release within the next couple of weeks.
One new feature in V2021.1.1 is the graphic representation of missing media in transition overlaps. This is an area that causes difficulty for new users.
Brian Drysdale February 26th, 2021, 10:39 AM The third V2021.1.1 beta is now available
This latest build fixes several regressions that have crept in along with various improvements. Lightworks are still keeping changes to a minimum during this cycle and hope to be able to release within the next couple of weeks.
Additions include:
Improvements to the export panel to be more intelligent about available/unavailable formats
Export formats are now allowed if they can't handle the exact sequence frame-rate
Export formats that cannot generate files with the same aspect-ratio as the sequence are shown with red suffixes
Export formats with a red suffix now show an explanatory message if such a format is selected
Option to the "Timeline->Settings" menu to configure whether or not tabbing stops at transition mid-points
The ability to rename Custom Formats on the project card and to generate 1080p proxies from larger file types (4K etc).
Brian Drysdale March 3rd, 2021, 12:48 PM The fourth V2021.1.1 beta is now available.
This latest build resolves issues reported with memory handling and HEVC media, along with a few other improvements. Lightworks are keeping changes to a minimum during this cycle and hope to be able to release within the next couple of weeks.
Brian Drysdale March 18th, 2021, 10:37 AM The new build of the v2021.1.1 beta has been renamed as V2021.2 beta and is available for download.
This has a number of fixes and has updated to the latest AVID DNxHD codec SDK. Lightworks hope for this to be the final build prior to release
Brian Drysdale March 24th, 2021, 10:28 AM The next Lightworks 2021.2 Beta revision 127742 is now available to download
This latest build resolves issues with M1 hardware on Mac and resolves the issue with AAC audio decode playback.
Brian Drysdale April 1st, 2021, 12:31 PM The third Lightworks 2021.2 Beta revision 127893 is now available to download:
This build resolves the issue with Boris plugins on Windows failing to display, along with some other fixes to do with audio hardware on Windows.
Brian Drysdale April 14th, 2021, 12:30 PM The fourth V2021.2 beta is now available to download.
This latest build resolves a couple of important issues on Mac systems, to do with the Lightworks Console and media handling. There are also a number of other fixes.
Brian Drysdale April 21st, 2021, 10:20 AM What is hoped to be the final V2021.2 beta revision is now available for download.
This latest build resolves a long standing issue with exports being incorrect with 0% audio speed within the sequence and hopefully addresses the Console connectivity issues on Mac and other fixes.
Lightworks are working on a new set of video tutorials and guides.
They are looking forward to sharing the latest features of 2021.3 due in Beta imminently.
Brian Drysdale April 29th, 2021, 10:27 AM Lightworks Version 2021.2 is now released for use on Windows Linux and Mac.
This the second major release under the new owners LWKS Software LTD and they are revealing the features in the 2021.3 Beta in the next couple of weeks.
Apart from many fixes. new features in V2021.2 include:
This release focuses on improvements in performance working with HEVC/H.265 media allowing you to create 1080p proxies from 4K media
Sequence Export Improvements
This latest release adds intelligence to the export panel allowing you to easily see what format option your sequence can be exported as, even allowing you to export if the exact sequence frame rate is not allowed/supported.
Transition Appearance Improvements
Lightworks now provides a clear indication that the incoming clip does not have enough media present to perform the transition (the red line and darker grey section) This indicates that playback will be incorrect over this section, giving you a clear warning that the effect needs adjustment.
Subtitle Workflow
Using a combination of ranged Cue Markers and BITC (Burnt in Timecode) functionality now performs a subtitle workflow
Find: Clip References Improvements
In Lightworks 2021.2 the ‘Jump to’ options have been restored and new search criteria has been added to make it even easier to find or create results based on these new options:
Set Default Frame Rate On Import
Lightworks 2021.2 allows you to set the default frame rate for any media that doesn’t have a frame rate (audio only files, EDLs, Image Sequences etc).
Improved the Batch Metadata panel
Flexibility has been extended even further to allow you to specify the name of another metadata field to copy text from (eg. ) within the ‘Value’ column. This is an extremely fast way of moving metadata between fields in huge chunks.