David M. Cole
April 14th, 2012, 02:11 PM
If anyone happens across news of a portable HDMI recorder capable of recording 24P frame-packed 3D from HDMI 1.4a source (camcorder), could you please post here? I'll be scouring the usual suspects at NAB (Blackmagic, Atamos, Convergent Design), but, they've all told me "it's under consideration" recently.
Neil Richards
April 15th, 2012, 07:49 AM
Ha! You're kidding right? If one of these was available we'd all be all over it in a flash.
No such animal as far as I can see yet it's one of those "blindingly bleedin' obvious" bits of kit that no-one seems to have made.
The other one is a small autostereo HD screen with an HDMI 1.4a input - just doesn't exist. Aarghh...
David M. Cole
April 15th, 2012, 12:26 PM
Well - Blackmagic does it quite well with their Ultrastudio 3D and DeckLink HD Extreme 3D products. It's not a huge stretch for a portable device to do it. Biggest obstacle may be that the HDMI logic in all of the current recorders are the 1.3 variant.
This was more of a, "keep your eyes peeled on the back isles of NAB" kind of a post.
Neil Richards
April 18th, 2012, 02:22 PM
Fair enough, I was being a bit ironic ;)
A frame-packed HDMI-to-dual SDI convertor would be nice too - record Z10k full 3D output to a pair of Samurai...
Anmol Mishra
August 17th, 2015, 10:39 AM
Its now 2015 - just wondering if we have support for frame packed 3D to dual SDI converters or a frame packed HDMI aware recorder today..