View Full Version : Fujinon’s New 19-90 T2.9 Cabrio 35PL Zoom Lens with SERVO.
Matt Gottshalk April 9th, 2012, 02:44 PM Via Abel Cine:
Fujinon’s New 19-90 T2.9 Cabrio 35PL Zoom Lens | CineTechnica (
Note from Admin: see also Newest Fujinon PL-Mount Zoom (
Zach Love April 10th, 2012, 10:44 AM Exciting! Can't wait to see even more super 35 servo zooms in the future. I hope this trend doesn't stop anytime soon.
Probably worth more than my car, but what good lens isn't?
Jeremy Doyle April 10th, 2012, 12:10 PM at 38k, I think I'll have to pass.
Jonathan Palfrey April 10th, 2012, 01:35 PM Looks great, shame about the price.
At that price you do have to wonder who they're marketing at? Surely any person or company with that much spare cash would just by a dedicated HD shoulder mounted camera. Also I cant imagine many Alexa/Epic shoots need a servo zoom.
I could see a similar L series lens with servo for a few grand could be very popular.
Robert Sanders April 10th, 2012, 01:40 PM Yeah, i was just going to say, "Nice. But how much is it going to be? $50,000,000.00?"
Nicholas de Kock April 10th, 2012, 02:59 PM One day when they figure out a way to produce that lens between 4-7k they'll sell thousands, 38k is just absurd, looking at selling a few hundred at best?
Robert Sanders April 10th, 2012, 05:41 PM To be fair, I guess, even Canon's Cinema EOS lenses are similarly priced.
Justin Molush April 10th, 2012, 06:41 PM I saw the article and immediately thought... I will never be able to afford this haha
Amazing piece of glass to shoot with I'm sure.
Matt Gottshalk April 10th, 2012, 07:14 PM One day when they figure out a way to produce that lens between 4-7k they'll sell thousands, 38k is just absurd, looking at selling a few hundred at best?
For a S35 PL Mount lens that covers 5k and has a SERVO?
That is cheap.
It may not be for YOU, but there are plenty of DPs and rental houses that will snap these up at that price.
Chris Hurd April 10th, 2012, 07:26 PM Matt is absolutely correct, of course -- the pricing is right where it should be for a
PL-mount servo zoom lens with UHD resolution. In fact, at that price it's a bargain.
Canon has a pair of similar PL-mount lenses, a wide zoom 14.5-60mm T2.6 and
a telephoto zoom 30-300mm T2.95-3.7, and they're even more expensive than this
one, and they don't have servo zooms. It's nice to see Fuji step up the game by
putting on a zoom motor and making the price quite competitive with Canon.
I've edited the OP to include the official press release on DVi. That link is:
Matt Gottshalk April 10th, 2012, 08:27 PM Looks great, shame about the price.
At that price you do have to wonder who they're marketing at? Surely any person or company with that much spare cash would just by a dedicated HD shoulder mounted camera. Also I cant imagine many Alexa/Epic shoots need a servo zoom.
I am actually in the middle of preproduction for a pilot for Discovery Channel.
We will be shooting it on my Scarlet and this lens would be PERFECT for it.
Justin Molush April 10th, 2012, 08:50 PM We will be shooting it on my Scarlet and this lens would be PERFECT for it.
Thats the kind of form factor where this lens would thrive I'm sure. Mounted to a scarlet, C300 sort of cam. If I had the money for this kind of lens though, I would just wait and throw it on an FS700 and call it a day...
Chris Hurd April 10th, 2012, 08:53 PM Lenses like this are what rental houses are for.
Brian Drysdale April 11th, 2012, 12:20 AM At that price you do have to wonder who they're marketing at? Surely any person or company with that much spare cash would just by a dedicated HD shoulder mounted camera. Also I cant imagine many Alexa/Epic shoots need a servo zoom.
There are people shooting documentaries on the Alexa and the RED cameras. It could also be useful on TV drama, with their tight schedules and love of hand held cameras.
Emmanuel Plakiotis April 11th, 2012, 03:40 AM The Canon's might be more expensive, but they are Full Frame lenses and this is reflected in their price and size.
Konstantin Kovalev April 11th, 2012, 04:16 AM There are people shooting documentaries on the Alexa and the RED cameras. It could also be useful on TV drama, with their tight schedules and love of hand held cameras.
The Alexa is technically a shoulder-mount cam. Just pop this lens on there and off you go; one doesn't need a crap load of stuff bolted on just to make the darn thing work. Focusing on the run would be an interesting exercise though.
Edit: Now this is what I'm talking about: thefilmbook set visit - Arri Alexa Studio - First Test in Paris - Denis Rouden- HD - - YouTube ... Just minus the goofy handle bars.
Nicholas de Kock April 11th, 2012, 05:19 AM For a S35 PL Mount lens that covers 5k and has a SERVO? That is cheap. It may not be for YOU, but there are plenty of DPs and rental houses that will snap these up at that price.
True plenty of DP's/rentals will buy it but not hundreds of thousands. Once upon a time (3 years ago) the 35mm look was also a millionaire's playground, now kids have it. It can be done with some smart manufacturing moves - maybe one day.
Brian Drysdale April 11th, 2012, 05:50 AM Part of the cost could be the use of expensive lightweight materials that can withstand professional wear and tear. The nearest RED equivalent zoom weighs nearly the double the weight, without having a servo motor etc fitted. Although, no doubt the cost of these types of lenses will reduce.
The lower cost option does exist with the RED, but it weighs approx ten pounds and would probably need support bars.
I suspect the market for these types of lenses isn't in the hundreds of thousands range. However, true parfocal versions of still camera lenses would work for quite a few people, but perhaps not the demanding market this Fijinon is aimed at.
Chris Hurd April 11th, 2012, 07:02 AM The Canon's might be more expensive, but they are Full Frame lenses and this is reflected in their price and size.Please read the full press release: Newest Fujinon PL-Mount Zoom at (
Fourth paragraph: "This new zoom ensures the image captured will cover large sensors for optimal, full-frame resolution."
The Fuji 19-90mm T2.9 Cabrio 35PL Zoom covers full-frame sensors as well.
Nate Weaver April 14th, 2012, 08:08 PM It may not be for YOU, but there are plenty of DPs and rental houses that will snap these up at that price.
I understand your greater point about the market level this lens is built for, but:
I disagree. Most folks in this range of the market will opt for Optimo & Rouge, despite that it is a slightly more practical range and has the grip, which only a portion of folks who need the focal range will use. New Angenuiex zooms are marketable rentals. Niche zooms from new players in the PL market are not nearly in the same demand.
This lens is essentially built for run & gun use. That means a run & gun S35 camera. F3, C300. Price wise, the run & gun S35 market needs a zoom at $10K, not $30K.
They'll sell some of course, but I think they're missing the market. Right now Red 18-50 and 50-150 PL lenses are appreciating in value because low end PL cameras need low end zooms.
The camera manus and the lens manus are definitely NOT in sync.
Robert Sanders April 17th, 2012, 01:02 PM I was in a conversation with a friend about how difficult it is to grind good quality glass and that is why good lenses like this Fujonon costs $35,000.
My friend's response was, "Yeah, well, it's far more difficult to build an Audi than a lens. Yet the Audi is the same price."
My response.... "Good point."
Just because your grandma uses a square pan to cook her roast doesn't mean it always has to be that way.
Menno Mennes April 19th, 2012, 06:58 AM And weight!!!
Brian Drysdale April 19th, 2012, 07:16 AM I was in a conversation with a friend about how difficult it is to grind good quality glass and that is why good lenses like this Fujonon costs $35,000.
My friend's response was, "Yeah, well, it's far more difficult to build an Audi than a lens. Yet the Audi is the same price."
It's the mechanics that costs, not the glass itself. Audi's are mass produced, these lenses are probably hand made in batches for a relatively small professional market..
Ken Willinger April 21st, 2012, 07:59 PM I was so impressed with this lens at NAB. Felt really great handheld on a camera. The mechanics were flawless. The glass was very clean. I didn't even notice any breathing. Actually the price is not that bad for professional glass. The Fujinon broadcast HD zoom lenses (like the 13X4.5) that are standard in the broadcast industry are list price close to $30K and street price is around $22K. Though demand for this lens may keep the price at about the list. My understanding was Fujinon had more than 200 orders on the first day of the show and that Able had about 50 on the first day. So you can imagine the demand there will be.
R Geoff Baker April 22nd, 2012, 05:06 AM Please read the full press release: Newest Fujinon PL-Mount Zoom at (
Fourth paragraph: "This new zoom ensures the image captured will cover large sensors for optimal, full-frame resolution."
The Fuji 19-90mm T2.9 Cabrio 35PL Zoom covers full-frame sensors as well.
I think it depends what 'full-frame' means: Some would expect that to mean 'full frame' photography style, and this lens won't -- nor will the Canon lenses, IIRC -- the size referenced in the press release is 31mm -- the size of a full-frame photo sensor is 43mm. If my math is correct, the 31mm dimension covers an S-35 (APS-C) sized sensor.