View Full Version : Macro with GH2 and Canon FD lens combo

Matthew Hurley
April 8th, 2012, 09:07 AM
Cam set to 1080p 30P. Lens set wide open. This little moody clip was shot down and dirt as the termites had all flown away in 10-15 minutes.Size of the little yellow termite is approx 1/8 inch. Camera was resting on my hand. Lens was approx 2 inch,s from subject.

Lonely termite - YouTube (

Kevin McRoberts
April 8th, 2012, 08:45 PM
I absolutely love macro video with the GH2. Get a simple hi-hat tripod, maybe a simple reversal mount, maybe switch it into ETC, and good things simply happen.

Good job keeping it fairly steady handheld... probably iron right out with a touch of smoothcam.