View Full Version : Very slow download SXS
Robin Probyn April 5th, 2012, 06:55 PM Hi
Iam using the PMW500 cinealta settings UDF 1080/25p 50 mbps.
Card reader Sony SBAC US10.. 64 GB SXS pro cards
Mac book pro,about 2 years old.. pre thunderbolt
Software.. shotput pro set to data check only fast option
To Lacie rugged.. cant find the speed on the box..?
Full 64GB taking 4 hrs to down load..!!
Something is wrong.but cant get any answers.
The camera is nice,but totally unusable at those down load speeds..
Les Wilson April 5th, 2012, 08:28 PM Is the LaCie drive connected. by USB? If so that is most likely the problem. Try copying the card to your mbp first then the LaCie. Or use a FireWire drive.
Robin Probyn April 5th, 2012, 11:46 PM Lacie is firewire 800.. down load to desk top seems to be the same time ?? dont understand at all.. recording is UDF.. but anyway totally crazy down loading time.. Im thinking the Sony SBAC US10 is the weak link..Its the same to all drives.. and no reason to think my computer has any fault..
But means i wont buy the camera because of these down load issues which also seems crazy.. great camera but totally unusable with normal MBP and this seemingly useless reader..
Les Wilson April 6th, 2012, 03:38 AM How does your transfer speed compare with the numbers in this post that used an EX1R?
Doug Jensen April 6th, 2012, 06:09 AM But means i wont buy the camera because of these down load issues which also seems crazy.. great camera but totally unusable with normal MBP and this seemingly useless reader..
This makes no sense. You're damning the camera because you're having trouble ingesting footage from a SxS card? What can that possibly have to do with the camera? It's just data files. Thousands of people ingest footage from SxS cards everyday around the world with no issues at all. I use the Sony reader and it is 3-4 times faster than real time with footage from any of the XDCAM cameras.
First I would make sure you have all the latest drivers installed.
Second, I would suggest taking Shot Put Pro out of they equation and just do a straight transfer via the Mac's Finder or use XDCAM Browser (recommended anyway).
Whatever problem you're having is unique to your setup. The SxS cards, cameras, and readers work just fine for everyone else.
Robin Probyn April 7th, 2012, 01:08 AM Hi Doug
On the contrary I said the camera is very good..but the set up I have for down loading to HDD,I dont do any editing just down loading to ext HDD,is pretty standard I would say.. and ive never had any problems with other cards.. then bingo this time for some reason there is a major problem.. and Iam no expert.. so have turned to various forums on the web.. but no solution at all.. ofcourse I can play around with stuff myself.. but I never have time to do it,as still on the shoot.. and no time to actually try other setups as always down loading !!!!
I want to use shotput pro,and should be able to to too.. nothing is odd with my setup.. but there is a major screw up somewhere.. if i cant find a solution then it would be a bit silly to buy this camera.I,d buy the 800.
I was told by Sony that there is no particular drives or software for this reader or anything else just for downnloading to an ext HDD.. is this not right ?
Les Wilson April 7th, 2012, 04:44 AM On an older MBP, my tests performed the copy at a rate that for 64GB would have taken 73 minutes. Do a copy of just one large file using the Finder and time it. That will eliminate SHot Put from being the problem vs the card being the problem.
Matt Davis April 7th, 2012, 10:43 AM Full 64GB taking 4 hrs to down load..!! Something is wrong.
I've got a couple of EX1s, a few SxS cards, a dozen solid SDHC adaptors and a bucketull of known, tested SDHC cards, plus a few duds and an 8GB SxS card turned 'nasty'.
The following is based on my experiences and this is for quick turnaround stuff - same day edits, location reports, no card gets erased until the WHOLE job is delivered to client and archived - just want to avoid the inevitable finger wagging over the following...
In XDCAM Transfer, as the raw footage gets wrapped into a QuickTime directly from SxS to a FW800 drive, the software reports a 'x6.7' rate - i.e. 'your footage is being wrapped at a spped 6.7 times faster than real time.' Most of the time, SxS cards give you 6-9x real time, brand new cards are 7x to 8x on a good day with a following wind. My older cards are around 6x. Still, that's MUCH better than SDHC which pootle along at 3.2x or thereabouts.
Sometimes, you find a card that shoots fine. But bogs down a bit, then a month or two later, suddenly it's doing 0.2x on one or two shots, and from then on, it's a dog. If you continue to use this card, it will throw up 'Card Needs To Be Restored' - pop card out, pop card in, hit restore. Then it will report 'can't restore all clips.' And then you're screwed on that last take.
So, I take 'slow import' to be a developing problem with a card, and with SDHC cards that unfortunately means taking it behind the barn and shooting it. Bad sector, bad whatever. It's going bad so the card has to go before it kills your money shot.
Everyone here will be murmuring 'more fool him for using SDHC' but I had this with an 8GB SxS card too (the one that came free with the first camera) and I guess I could get a refund for what I paid for it (I don't use this dealer any more), but hey. All my SDHC cards get tested out by recording on the whole media to fill it up, done twice, and then it goes in the media box.
So, if it's the one card, I'd say change the media for a good 'un. If all your cards are slowing down, then it's most likely a software glitch in your workflow - and good luck to you short of doing clean installs.
XDCAM-EX has, for me and most of us here, been the most reliable and nimblest workflow, and that includes tape.
Uli Mors April 11th, 2012, 02:31 AM instead of thinking of a different camera I´d think about another laptop ;-)
just kiddin - there must be going on something weird on your MBP.
Just a comparison: On an actual fast Fujitsu Laptop with integrated PCI Express Slot (aka SxS) I can ingest EX1file (35mbit/s) roughly at 10-15 times faster than realtime. PMW500 is a bit slower because of 50mbit + Proxy files (~55mbit).
Access via USB (Cam to PC via USB Cable, should equal the USB card reader) is roughly 6 times realtime (EX1).
Anyway , if download is THAT slow, something is wrong.
What about testing:
a) SxS Reader to internal harddrive (take a 5 Minute file to test)
b) CAM via USB to internal harddrive
c) SxS to external drive
d) CAM via USB to external drive
Can you keep us on track?
Robin Probyn April 18th, 2012, 05:39 AM Uli
Thanks for your post.. sorry for slow response..
shoot is finished,all files ok,but slow downloads
I didnt have UDF driver in my computer.. my mistake didnt even know I needed it.. Iam hoping this is the problem.. beside ok USB2 is not going to be the quickest option for 50 mbps footage.
Just havnt had the time to go to rental.. shoot a full card and check down load.. still see the 500 as my next buy.. good price 1080/720 slo mo (in 720) TL.. slow shutter etc solid state ..
Like the pana 3100 but I dont get P2 requests .. all XDCAM of late..
Bruce Rawlings April 18th, 2012, 05:57 AM Glad you are sorted. The PMW-500 is becoming the standard camera for us on most jobs it is hopefully the new "Digibeta" for the foreseeable future.
Robin Probyn April 18th, 2012, 09:42 PM Hi Bruce
Well I hope its sorted.. just heard the rental place wont have the camera till the 26th.. so i cant go and check but I hope its the reason.. sounds like others had the same problem that was solved by having the UDF drive.. the card driver is only when using a computer with the SXS slot I believe..
Just about to pull the trigger on the 500.. buying in the US looks to be way cheaper than the UK or Japan..
Camera body with the board built it.. the 20A BW viewfinder,and 3 X 64GB about £21,000.
My HDX900 mic seemed to work on the 500 when I tried it out at the rental place.. actually dont really like that long mic.. doesnt fit in the camera bag either..
I had a digibeta 790 for over 12 yrs.. still have it actually.. but havnt used it in years.. but was a very good earner.. would be great if the 500 were to be the same..!!
Doug Jensen April 19th, 2012, 12:17 AM I didnt have UDF driver in my computer.. my mistake didnt even know I needed it
Uh, I believe that was my first suggetion in post number 5 clear back on April 6th. You're welcome.
Robin Probyn April 19th, 2012, 02:29 AM Hi Doug
Ah! yes I believe you did.. sorry and belated thanks for that.. I havnt quite proven that the lack of UDF driver is the problem as the rental place only has the one 500,and its proving to be popular and not back till the 26th.
The card driver I believe is only for when using a SXS slot(express slot) in the computer.. which I dont have.But will buy the 17 inch MBP with the slot for sure.. seems the best way.. fast and no cables etc..
In your opinion do you think that also would be the main reason for the slow down loads.. all the files were fine no problems.. just there was this very slow down load..
Thanks again for your time
Alister Chapman April 25th, 2012, 07:04 AM You can also now use the Sonnet EchoExpress thunderbolt express card device as a card reader for SxS over thunderbolt to any suitably equipped mac. It's almost as fast as a laptop with a built in slot, but match cheaper than a new Mac.
Robin Probyn April 25th, 2012, 09:04 AM Hi Alister
Yes thanks I read your review.Its really an answer to many peoples prayers I think.. have to get a mac with thunder bolt now.. and just today ordered the PMW500 !!
Robin Probyn May 5th, 2012, 11:26 PM Up date..
Got a 17inch mac.. down loaded the drivers.Seem to have been very unlucky in that the one test clip I could grab at the rental place was somehow NG.. and wouldn't down load in any mode !!
Now 32GB cards are fine.. Im down loading in XDCAM Browser,with the slot to ext HDD by fir wire 800.. with the CRC check just over 12 mins for the 32GB card almost full.So thats great and all good.
But still 64GB card will not mount in slot or card reader.. ? could be a firm ware issue with the cards from the rental I don't know..? a lot of people seem to use 32GB anyway .. so for to time being me too.
have ordered the camera and will buy my own cards of course.. so I will know everything is on the same page.. but so far so good.. except 64 Gb cards won't mount at all.??