View Full Version : AC130 Autofocus Design Fault???

Chris Harding
March 30th, 2012, 10:46 AM
Hi Guys

I have shot 3 weddings on the 130's now and except at full wide the autofocus is totally useless!! I have used panny cameras since 1985 and have never seen an issue like this..zoom in around 4X on a wedding couple and the camera difts in and out like a yoyyo!! Totally unacceptable to use and even with area focus locked on the bride who never moved an inch the focus just drifted in and out of it's own free will.

I am positive there is a design fault with this model's autofocus and at present, unless you are full wide it's totally unusable!! Surely the new area focus/iris should work with almost stationary objects???? Very disappointed at present with an otherwise brilliant camera. Regardless of the background or lighting the autofocus seems to have a will of it's own!!! Anyone else feel this is an issue??? For me it's certainly very unacceptable...Just to add fuel to the fire, I was shooting a well lit dance floor and the focus display was running around from 3.5mm ????? right up to infinity for couples that were constantly around 3 metres away from me ....something is sorely amiss here!!


Eric Olson
April 9th, 2012, 11:23 PM
I have shot 3 weddings on the 130's now and except at full wide the autofocus is totally useless!!

I've been holding off replacing my Canon HDV cameras exactly because of this.

ALL: Does this look like an Autofocus Bug to You?? -- Video Clip (

Chris Harding
April 10th, 2012, 01:54 AM
Hi Eric

The system has been changed to one using contrast and at wide angle it works perfectly..what I do at weddings or tripod shots over a long period now is switch to manual..use the press auto button to nail focus and leave it alone..all weddings since my rant are perfect fact up to around 3X zoom auto is fine just goes crazy at high zoom numbers!!

Sorry I was somewhat angry when I posted (not a good thing!!) With a little workaround the cameras work brilliantly....Yes, I still think that auto SHOULD work at any zoom but as long as I can use another method I'm happy...the IQ and low light are so awesome that no way would I get anything else...a DSLR might match the camera but not many convention ones even touch it!!!


Eric Olson
April 10th, 2012, 10:42 AM
in fact up to around 3X zoom auto is fine just goes crazy at high zoom numbers!!

. . . With a little workaround the cameras work brilliantly

This is good news! Thanks for the update.