Walter Brokx
March 26th, 2012, 11:49 AM
9 Days ago I had the opportunity to shoot a little (silly) short on a C300.
C300's are still scarse in The Netherland, so we were lucky to get hold on one for this project.
We hardly had any time to get to know the camera (used no picture profile) and we had about 8 hours to shoot everything using Canon L glass: 24-70mm and 70-200mm. I directed the project and only had a chance to hold the camera later that day.
The weather was very dull and grey and when we arrived at the farm, light was already starting to fade. (But in post I could fix a lot of this blue light in the interior farm shots).
Some first thoughts on the camera:
- images look really good
- editing in CS5.5 is a breeze
- the ND-control is great: more choices than I ever had on any camera ;-)
- I don't really like the way iris control works: the is no way to change iris in a shot without ruining the shot
- repositioning the hand-grip is tedious: I want it to be like on the EX1(R).
Fresh Eastereggs
Yes, we didn't do crazy DoF shots or nightshots. So we didn't really push the camera to it's limits.
We were just testing the camera in a project that wasn't started as a C300-test.
Unfortunately we didn't have time for a rolling shutter test to compare C300 to 5D mkII and EX1R.
C300's are still scarse in The Netherland, so we were lucky to get hold on one for this project.
We hardly had any time to get to know the camera (used no picture profile) and we had about 8 hours to shoot everything using Canon L glass: 24-70mm and 70-200mm. I directed the project and only had a chance to hold the camera later that day.
The weather was very dull and grey and when we arrived at the farm, light was already starting to fade. (But in post I could fix a lot of this blue light in the interior farm shots).
Some first thoughts on the camera:
- images look really good
- editing in CS5.5 is a breeze
- the ND-control is great: more choices than I ever had on any camera ;-)
- I don't really like the way iris control works: the is no way to change iris in a shot without ruining the shot
- repositioning the hand-grip is tedious: I want it to be like on the EX1(R).
Fresh Eastereggs
Yes, we didn't do crazy DoF shots or nightshots. So we didn't really push the camera to it's limits.
We were just testing the camera in a project that wasn't started as a C300-test.
Unfortunately we didn't have time for a rolling shutter test to compare C300 to 5D mkII and EX1R.