View Full Version : best audio settings to record a concert for HFG10?

Federico Perale
March 19th, 2012, 05:11 PM
I can't seem to understand how the G10's attenuator works

it's either automatic (which is bad) or always on?
isn't there a way to just disable it?

I just need to record a gig and cannot use an external mic I was wondering what are the best audio option (including the eq settings) you recommend?

thanks a lot!

Don Palomaki
March 23rd, 2012, 07:14 AM
If you cannot use an external mic, or a mic mounted with the cmcorder, Your best option at thsi point is to is to visit the venue and run some tests before the gig - try the various options to see which gives you the best results.

A lot depends on the location of the camcorder relative to the sound sources, the sound types, levels, and the audience, and the type of sound you are trying to achieve in the final product.

Automatic may not be all bad in all situations.