View Full Version : Help Needed with Atomos Samurai

Chuck Fishbein
March 12th, 2012, 10:12 AM
Previously, I had been using the Atomos at 1080i with out a problem.
I am currently having issues recording 23.98 with the Samurai

F3=HQ 23.98 PsF
Atomos=3:2 23.98P ProRes HQ

If I set the F3 to 23.98 PsF it works fine, but I can't use the Zacuto EVF witch requires 1080i
When I set the F3 output to 59.94 (2-3) the EVF works, the Samurai detects the pulldown (monitor button lights) but I get a nasty studder with interlacing.

I was under the impression that the Atomos was supposed to detect and remove the 3:2 pulldown.
Am I totally missing the point here? Can anyone give me any suggestions?


Douglas Villalba
March 12th, 2012, 10:52 AM
Camera set to 23.98 HDMI output 60i
Samurai connected to SDI A
Zacuto to HDMI out

Chuck Fishbein
March 12th, 2012, 11:36 AM
"Samurai connected to SDI A"'

Ah... As opposed to the plain SDI out?

Douglas Villalba
March 12th, 2012, 11:40 AM
SDI Out & HDMI carry the same signal with pulldown added. Recorder goes to SDI A.

Douglas Villalba
March 12th, 2012, 12:22 PM
By the way, whomever moved this thread should know that this is an F3 thread problem. It is not a recorder problem but a connection to the F3 problem.

Chuck Fishbein
March 12th, 2012, 12:31 PM
Thanks Douglas,
I'll try that right now.

Chuck Fishbein
March 12th, 2012, 12:47 PM
Ok, it's working. Again my thanks

And for the benefit of those going through this for the first time:

At first it didn't work when I switched on the dual channel SDI out (for channel A) but then I noticed that the menu no longer said (SDI/HDMI) on/off, it now just said (HD HDMI) on/off . Once I changed that it appears they're all working, and no pull-down is indicated on the Samurai.