View Full Version : render settings for master file from which to make multiple renders

Ali Jafri
March 11th, 2012, 11:43 PM
Hi folks!

I'm required to make multiple formats of my edit for uses that include web streaming, DVD production, and other non-broadcast uses.

Since each render is taking a little more than 30 minutes I thought it would be wiser to first render out my timeline as a master file and then proceed to render out the single video in the multiple formats that are required. I know I lose a generation but the trade-off is well worth it.

So the question is, what render settings should I use to have the best quality master file? Something that preserves quality enough and doesn't crumble when resized.

I'm using Vegas Pro 11 and footage is from my Canon T2i camera.

Aleksey Tarasov
March 12th, 2012, 12:31 AM
Use the standard "Batch Render" script ;)

Iker Riera
March 12th, 2012, 02:09 AM
i use the Avid DNxHD codec for my final version of a video. It can be downloaded for free here: Avid Codecs 2.3.7 Download (

Leslie Wand
March 12th, 2012, 02:34 AM
what's the problem simply rendering from the tl?

i rarely render a 'master' file, but when i'm asked to do so i use .mxf

Adam Stanislav
March 13th, 2012, 07:51 AM
If I had to render a master, I would render the video to a sequence of PNG images, which are compressed but their compression is lossless, so you get the highest possible quality. And I would render the audio as a WAV file at the best settings (of the best source audio), such as 96 kHZ sampling rate, 24 bits.

Of course if my health weren’t so bad, I would use the codec I developed just for masters several years ago but never actually coded it. And probably never will unless someone finds a cure for diabetes in the very near future.

Rob Wood
March 13th, 2012, 02:39 PM
everyone has their preference, but for me

YUV, i'd go with DNxHD (either 175 or 115, depending on frame-size)
sRGB, i'd pick PhotoJPEG 100%