Ervin Farkas
March 11th, 2012, 09:07 PM
Is this why Apple killed Final Cut?
"Once companies launch and become successful, the only way to maintain their success is re-invention. As the conditions that enabled their initial success fade into history, they have to remake themselves into a new kind of company.
This is so hard to do that very few companies actually achieve it. The reason is that you often have to kill your most successful products while they’re still successful in order to take a gamble on the products that aren’t making big bucks yet."
Read the whole opinion here: Why Apple will Crush Microsoft in the Post-PC Era | Cult of Mac (
Chris Hurd
March 11th, 2012, 09:20 PM
What I really want to know is: does this mean no new iMac this year?
Noa Put
March 12th, 2012, 03:52 AM
The reason is that you often have to kill your most successful products while they’re still successful in order to take a gamble on the products that aren’t making big bucks yet.
Not sure if that applies to Apple, they killed their least successful product in terms of sales, they are making much more money already on iphone/ipad like products so they don't even have to take a gamble. By killing fcp and replacing it by fcpx they will be even making more money because there is a much bigger consumer market ready to buy into a product that is more affordable and easier to use.
Buba Kastorski
March 12th, 2012, 06:53 AM
By killing fcp and replacing it by fcpx they will be even making more money because there is a much bigger consumer market ready to buy into a product that is more affordable and easier to use.
exactly my thoughts,
there is always a dollar sign at the end of the tunnel
Tom Roper
March 12th, 2012, 02:31 PM
1.) It's delusional because it's not a post pc era nor will it be.
2.) The pc world is ubiquitous, open source and much of it free.
3.) It is not exclusively Microsoft, but it is inclusively not Apple.
4.) The pc world is not something Apple could get its arms around.
Les Wilson
March 12th, 2012, 03:58 PM
Personal computers were long hailed as the harbingers of the end of paper. These things ebb and flow. And while paper was reduced by computers, it did not go away. After all, there's a TV series about an office paper company <grin>.
I expect the same is true for laptops and desktops. They will still be needed and used by people for which the finger devices are unsatisfactory ... but there may be fewer of them.
Noa Put
March 12th, 2012, 04:58 PM
An interesting line in the article is: Actual simplicity can be achieved only by starting over, by abandoning backward compatibility.
To me that's more like saying, "move along or move away", I believe simplicity (or you could call it freedom of choice) can be achieved only by making something open source, give people the choice to build further on a solid base and make changes or develop their own software to fit their needs, not to benefit a company needs.
Ubuntu developers also decided to change the interface but at least they give you the opportunity to go back if you don't like it. In Apple's vision that does not exist, my internet pc is an old P4 with puppy linux installed on it and it works like a charm, that's simplicity to me, being able to still find very good use for my 10+ year old pc.
Jeff Turkali
March 12th, 2012, 07:34 PM
I don't think many people will be editing a film on an iPad, iPhone or whatever i comes next.
There is a reason that flat panel large format screens are desired.
I have six computers in my home and each one does something good that I like about it. I can't see me doing away with any of them for the time being. When one dies, and completely fries then maybe that unit will be put out of service. But I can see me using the four PCs, the Laptop, and the Mac for at least another ten years, maybe even 20.
Reports of the death of the PC are greatly exaggerated