View Full Version : How Much to Build a Studio?

Lloyd Ubshura
March 8th, 2012, 10:44 AM
I have an investor friend who wants to build a commercial studio facility as a big rental place.

He's turned to me as a possible partner because I have built my own 4000 sqft. studio, so I have an idea how much things cost for me. But the difference is, I built this for ME and my personal needs. I used a simple, cheap Coollights and LED setup. I don't have a cyc. I don't have a giant softbox that a lot of rental studios have, etc.

I basically have a big shell with a lot of non-structural walls as a set. Since I built this studio in cold country out in the woods, and since I'm using low-temp lights, I don't have any fancy ventilation, no soundproof walls either.

Not sure if anyone here is qualified to answer, but I'm wondering if by chance there is someone on here that has built (or knows about) his/her own studio specifically designed specifically for a rental facility?

We're looking at a 3 bay studio at around 20,000 sqft.

I know the answer is "Depends. Could be $100k, could be $100M," so I'm hoping that someone can shoot out some ballpark figures for certain conditions.

I, fortunately am also a builder, so I know construction costs, but big lighting, cycs, and other stuff, I'm not sure about.