View Full Version : Custom Picture Profiles for Canon C300

Alister Chapman
March 1st, 2012, 10:27 AM
Here is my first set of custom profiles for the C300. Only change the settings listed in the details below to re-create the profiles on your own camera or download the profile files from here: XDCAM-USER.COM • Login (

AC-Neutral: a natural looking, true to life image.
AC-Vivid: A bright colourful and vivid image.
AC-3200a: Use this profile when shooting at ISO 3200 to maximise sensitivity and control noise.
AC-6400a: Use this profile when shooting at ISO 6400 to maximise sensitivity and control noise.
AC-Cine1: A neutral filmic looking image that can be used straight form the camera or graded.


Gamma:Cine 1
Sharpness: Detail level -6
Frequency +5, Coring level -4
Black Master Pedestal -3
Gamma Cine 2 gain +15
Color Matrix Cine 1


Gamma; Standard 1
Black Master Ped -3
Black Gamma level -20
Black Gamma Range +8
Knee On, point 85, slope +5
Sharpness Level -4 Frequency +4 Coring level -4
Color Matrix EOS standard, Gain +5, R-B -4


Gamma normal 4
Black Master Ped -5
Black Gamma level -10
Sharpness level -5, frequency +5 Coring level +10
Noise Reduction 5
Matrix Cine 2 gain +15


Gamma normal 4
Black Master Ped -5
Black Gamma level -10
Sharpness level -5, frequency +5 Coring level +10
Noise Reduction 7
Matrix Cine 2 gain +15

AC-Nat01 (neutral look)
Gamma Cine 1
Black Master Ped -3
Sharpness Level -4, coring level -4, Frequency +4
Matrix EOS gain -15 R-B-5

Nigel Akam
March 1st, 2012, 02:20 PM
As always, Thanks Alister. Just got my camera today and look forward to trying your profiles.

Derek Reich
March 7th, 2012, 09:03 AM
Thanks, Alister! You jumped right in. I am loading these today. I find the EOS Standard profile to be a little too contrasty, and welcome some options from someone who knows what they're doing (as opposed to me)
Any chance you might have a couple of profiles for the C300 and EX3 for delivery that will not be graded in post? I'm heading overseas saturday and will be using both of these cameras together.

Thierry Humeau
March 9th, 2012, 03:20 PM
Same here. Remember, Canon says the EOS Picutre Profile emulates the EOS DSLRs look and 5D and 7D are quite contrasty out of the box. As with my 5Ds, I tuned down contrast a couple notches and blacks look right to my eyes which I trust more than scopes...

Al Bergstein
May 26th, 2013, 01:43 PM
Here's a quick test I ran on a variety of CPs on the C100, including Alister's. Enjoy.
Canon C100 CP Profile Comparisons on Vimeo

Mervin Langley
June 3rd, 2013, 01:34 PM
I used the AC-Nat01 (neutral look) at a wedding on Saturday and I like it very much but I would like to dial down the saturation a bit. Is there a good profile that would be somewhere between the Wide DR profile and AC-Nat01 (neutral look)?

I greatly appreciate this.