View Full Version : Car Stunts, Fighting Scenes, and Medium Budgets

Silas Barker
February 24th, 2012, 02:16 PM
Hey guys,
I was just curious if any of you know if there is a good "how to" for car stunts? (Flipping, collisions, racing)
I realize insurance for doing stuff might be high, but I want to go to the next level. Any websites or info anyone has?

Same for Fight Scenes, any good how-tos for making it look realistic?

Hoping to get insurance for under 10 grand.

Brian Drysdale
February 25th, 2012, 01:22 AM
I'd contact a stunt co-ordinator if you're planning stunts at this level. The insurance may be high, but I suspect the cost of the stunt men and cars will be higher.

Silas Barker
February 25th, 2012, 02:53 PM
Hmm, I kinda want to do this myself, haha. I found a stunt car driving school that might be helpful though.
Any other words of wisdom would be appreciated.