View Full Version : Ex1r "v" z1

David Coyle
February 23rd, 2012, 05:35 AM
Ive been using the EX1R for around a year now. I also have a Z1 which I use on occasion. From looking at old projects it looked like the Z1 was producing better, cleaner footage so i decided to do a test. Film the same footage using both cams. I burned the footage to a disk and the Z1 looks better in colour and image quality. Which begs the question am i using the EX1R to its full potential? I shoot in the highest HD mode so im thinking maybe its the profile setting which by the way i got from the Vortex Media DVD: Mastering the Sony PMW-EX1.

Anyone got any thoughts on this? Nearly want to go back to shooting on the Z1.

Andy Wilkinson
February 23rd, 2012, 05:37 AM
Might help if you could post some frame grabs from both cameras.

David Coyle
February 23rd, 2012, 05:46 AM
Thanks Andy. I havent got the test footage to hand at the moment. But ive attached two images from projects im currently working on. One shot on EX1R (first pic) and the other shot on Z1 (second pic). The EX1 footage just looks so washed out compared to Z1 and when the Z1 is burned to disk it looks cleaner. Any thoughts?

David Heath
February 23rd, 2012, 05:57 AM
At a quick glance it looks as if the EX1 is lower contrast than the Z1. There shouldn't be any physical reason for that to be neccessarily so, so yes, I think it's most likely a setting problem.

You say "burnt to disc"? Is that a Blu-Ray, or DVD via downconversion? If the latter, then the EX1 won't be getting seen at it's full potential anyway. It's quite conceivable that the extra sharpness may evn give more aliasing issues on the downconvert than the Z1.

If your prime output route is (downconverted) DVD, then I'd recommend using the EX1 in 720p/50 - should make for an easier downconvert as no de-interlacing is needed.

David Coyle
February 23rd, 2012, 06:01 AM
Thanks David. Stupid question but what is the setting to increase contrast in the menu settings? Is it simply called contrast??

I always downcovert to to DVD via compressor from final cut pro. I use the same settings for both. Is there anyway to prevent aliasing issues?

Marcus Durham
February 23rd, 2012, 06:53 AM
Something is defiantly wrong. I still have my Z1 hanging around and I occasionally use it as a B camera. However it is noticeably softer than the EX1, there's less detail in darker areas and compression artefacts are more evident. When grading you also can't "push" the Z1 footage as far (I'm currently putting together a showreel that uses some old Z1 footage so I've noticed this in the past few days).

My suggestion is to try some of the picture profile settings that are poster at the top of the forum. Can't remember which one I am using but I haven't touched it for about 2 years as I'm happy.

David Coyle
February 23rd, 2012, 06:59 AM
Hi Marcus, thanks for your comments. The screen grabs are from a final cut pro timeline. So no compression or treatment has taken place. The EX1 footage is coming straight from the XDCAM transfer application.

Marcus - Could I ask you a massive favour? Would it be possible to PM or post here your profile settings for the profile you use most? I tried some on the sticky but doesnt make much of a difference. Id really appreciate if you could.


Zoran Vincic
February 23rd, 2012, 08:29 PM
I suggest taking a cup of tea or coffee and browsing into the EX1 picture profile settings explanations. EX1 is a powerful and very adjustable cam that's set flat from out of the box but it can be adjusted so the images really POP out, straight out of the camera.

And IQ is much better compared to Z7...and Z7 is better than Z1, right? (I don't have experience with Z1)