View Full Version : Seeking feedback on my first stereoscopic short

Matt Faw
February 22nd, 2012, 08:53 PM
Dear all,

Over the last couple months, I've been working like mad to learn 3D Studio Max, Vegas, and stereoscopic workflow, in order to create a 3D consciousness documentary short film. I'm hoping to use the short as a springboard, in order to start arranging interviews for a feature length documentary, along the same lines.

I've been under a tight deadline, getting the short done, because there's a huge consciousness conference in Tucson, this April, and I want to use the short to grab the interest of the many luminaries that I want to interview there. I have finished a sample portion of the short, which I want to start sending out, as soon as possible.

In the meantime, especially since this is my first stereoscopic short, I wanted to get the feedback of those of you who have been creating work in 3D for awhile. Any advice you can give on how to improve the 3D, reduce ghosting, etc., would be very appreciated, and extremely helpful! There's still some obvious polishing I know I have to do, but I wanted to try to start sending out invitations for interviews, this coming week, so I wanted to get your feedback, sooner rather than later.

I've posted the videos to Vimeo, in two formats:
Consciousness Doc sample SbS (
Consciousness Doc sample anaglyphic

The short is called "The Executive Committee of the Frontal Lobe". My dad (who is a psychology professor) is the speaker, and my roommate Nick plays (almost) all the roles. I hope you enjoy it!

Jesse Blanchard
February 23rd, 2012, 03:01 PM
I thought it was pretty good!

A couple things to consider. The fly-through shots (going backwards down the hall) are tough on the eyes because the brain doesn't know what's going on. This is a big window violation.

Also, don't be afraid to sneak in more 2D shots. If a 3D shot just isn't working, I think it's better to show the 2D version. The audience probably won't notice but they will notice bad 3D.

That said, I really liked the pace and how you kept the camera moving. Plus a fun topic. Nice work!

Allan Black
February 23rd, 2012, 05:42 PM
Some CC. I found it too busy. The narrator doesn't stop to let a point he made sink in and imo the music is too loud.

Remixing and dropping the music way down would help the narration. I agree with Jesse on the 3D.


Matt Faw
February 24th, 2012, 01:00 AM
Thanks, y'all for your feedback! I will take another look at the piece, with these thoughts in mind.

Can anyone speak to how the cutting and depth work (or don't work) together? Because all of the workflow (working on one shot at a time), I only recently have been able to see the entire piece together; I have a very different relationship to the editing than I usually have. I don't have a good sense of how the depth of one shot cuts into the next, and I've been staring at it all so long, that I don't have much of a fresh eye for it, as a whole piece.

Also, since many of the scenes were converged in layers (to minimize ghosting) there's some unnatural stuff, where background images may seem to be more forward than foreground ones. Did any of that stick out?

Plus: the snake CUs were crazy, because I shot them with the TD-10, much closer than I can really converge for. I do love the snake emerging from the screen, but the ghosting is pretty crazy. Any suggestions?

Thanks again, y'all who have responded already!

Matt Faw
February 28th, 2012, 04:35 PM
Dear all,

Thanks again to those who responded to my previous posting. I have since removed those first videos, so the links are now dead.

If anyone is still interested in seeing the sample (with y'all's feedback incorporated into the cut), I have two new links, which should remain active, for the near future.

Thanks again, everyone!


matt faw



Allan Black
February 28th, 2012, 07:04 PM
Much better audio mix imo Matt.

I can now hear the edits in the narration, and you can see my point about leaving pauses to let the points the narrator makes sink in for the audience.

Sounds like you've wound the high frequencies up in the music tracks? you don't need to do anything like that, the cymbals stand out. The original music mixers would have set the tonal balances of the instruments in the tracks. Next time :) Good luck at the show.
