View Full Version : Exporting/Sharing Selected Clips

Ronald Jackson
February 19th, 2012, 05:31 AM
Is there this facility in X? I have a 50 minute edited project , but would like to upload to YouTube a few short sequences from the Timeline, four or five consecutive clips at a time. Can I do this with X and if so how?


Nate Haustein
February 19th, 2012, 05:56 AM
Hi Ronald, I believe you can do this by sending the sequence to Compressor, and then setting in and out points. However, it may just be quicker/cleaner to start a new temporary sequence and copy the clips you want into it. Options never hurt!

Ronald Jackson
February 19th, 2012, 07:17 AM
Thanks Nate, how do I create a new "new temporary sequence"?


Nate Haustein
February 19th, 2012, 07:58 PM
By new sequence I just mean start a new empty project. You can use it to export and then delete it when you're all done. Probably quicker and cleaner than compressor in the long run.