View Full Version : Sony PMW-EX2 (PMW-EX1R update)?

Jose Carlos
February 17th, 2012, 10:23 PM
I apologize if this has been asked before, but is there any chance that Sony might update the PMW-EX1R sometime this year? I think there were about 2 years between the EX1 and EX1R and it's been about 2 years since the EX1R was released.

Sony recently extended its XDCAM rebate program for another 3 months:
Sony Business Solutions & Systems - Featured XDCAM EX Camcorder Rebates Extended (

I'm wondering if they are trying to clear their current inventory before they release and updated EX1 (pure speculation). The reason for the question is that I want to by and EX1R this year (for work) but it is not absolutely necessary, so I can wait

What would everyone like to see in a PMW-EX2?

Les Wilson
February 18th, 2012, 05:38 AM
Keep in mind, the Tsunami changed everything. Also, rebates do not necessarily imply an end of life fire sale. They are sometimes a marketing tool to handle a competitive situation. In the case of the EX series, against the 50mbs 1/3" 3-mos 3-ring cameras from Panasonic and Canon.

Jose Carlos
February 18th, 2012, 11:04 AM
Thanks for the reply Les.

I did a forum search on the topic and did not find the links you provided. Thanks for the links.

Les Wilson
February 19th, 2012, 04:24 AM
I just ran across this one .... note the comment about Sony's history of running rebates in March because it;s the end of their fiscal year: