View Full Version : Video card testing vegas 11

Joe Kollee
February 10th, 2012, 12:20 PM
Over the next month, I should able to test the differences with 4 video cards. The EVGA 560TI 1gb, EVGA 560TI 448core 1.2gb, PNY Quadro 2000 1gb, and the PNY Quadro 4000 2gb.

Sooo, I am wondering if someone/joint effort, could make some VEG files that would say take 10 min to render, something that I could test these cards in. Then people who have different cpus, who may have similar cards can run the same tests. This way we can test the difference between high powered cpus vs high powered video cards and a combination there of. Since I am not an expert in vegas, someone who has the knowledge, to build a couple of these tests that may help someone out who is looking for that new system or upgrade with some system specs vs video cards, and the difference vs how much money one can spend. Time vs money vs reality.

I believe that we may be surprised at the results, and that if all goes well, we all might learn some/few new things/ideas.

In the next 8 days, I will have the first 3 cards to test, and if all goes well the 4000 soon after...

Randall Leong
February 10th, 2012, 12:24 PM
You can try testing the cards. But I wouldn't recommend GPU encoding is quality is important: GPU encoding currently trades quality for speed - and then, GPU encoding isn't all that much faster than CPU (software-only) encoding to be worth such trouble.

Mike Kujbida
February 10th, 2012, 01:01 PM
Joe, Sony has a series of test files that they use for GPU testing that you can download for yourself.
Be advised that the file is 2.5 GB. in size.
They're near the bottom of the page at Vegas Pro 11 GPU acceleration (