Serena Steuart
February 6th, 2012, 09:59 PM
Since there weren't any comments responding to my StVitus dance observation, I've broken this out into its own thread. Conversions of PMW-EX1 camera files (progressive) showed jitter, somewhat like irregular interlacing but pretty severe. Cineform told me that this is a bug in GoPro prem (fix in progress) and provided the files necessary to fix the problem in HDLink. Actually involved Jake installing them on my machine, so thanks for great client support.
Bob Hart
February 7th, 2012, 10:44 AM
Serena. Is Go Pro Studio premium an edit suite in its own right like Premiere CS5 or a plug-in like Neo?
Do you see any advantage in moving from Neo for CS5?
Taky Cheung
February 7th, 2012, 11:08 AM
Studio Premium is a new tool combining the function of HDLink + First Light.
I upgraded NeoHD to Studio Premium for $49. To me, the upgrade has no difference at all because I still have the use HDLink to convert and First Light to color correct. The reason I upgraded was to keep my software current.