View Full Version : Motion Stabilization: different scenario

Jen Hook
February 3rd, 2012, 03:57 PM
So, the problem is this: We conducted an interview with a 7D on a tripod. The lens stabilizer was left on, and being on a tripod, the result was that it attempted to stabilize a perfectly stable image, and you see the image jump just a bit every couple of seconds. Very distracting and annoying.

I tried using After Effects motion stabilizer to fix this; it seems to have had no effect whatsoever. Possibly because this isn't a normal kind of image shake. Has anyone encountered this problem, and can anyone suggest solutions employing Adobe Creative Suite CS5.5?

It seems like it ought to be a simple fix, since the motion is the same predictable tiny jump every time.

By the way, I'm not too skilled outside of Premiere. Please be very specific with any after effects/mocha instructions.

Dominik Krol
February 5th, 2012, 09:29 AM
In that case, make a manual adjustment.

If the motion is repeated, and a one frame jump, you can fix it by counter move the frame.

Just keyframe a couple of jumps with the position tool, and copy it to the whole footage, and then zoom in to cover the edges
and you can do this inside premiere.

Justin Molush
February 5th, 2012, 09:49 AM
You don't need to use mocha for this kind of stuff.

Bring up the tracker and stabilize the entire sequence - find something that is 100% stable in the shot, not on the talking head. Then apply it to the footage and youll get a fully stable shot with of course edge issues whenever it wiggles.

Obviously you might have to do some cropping/scaling to reduce the edge effect, or use CC Repetile and blur the edges a bit.

If this isn't mission critical data and you have an FTP - I have no problems letting my computer render it out really quick while I'm watching the super bowl. Since this is DSLR footage, the file shouldn't be that large. Things like this are minor for me in after effects so Ill gladly do it if you dont have the time.

Bo Skelmose
February 6th, 2012, 05:18 AM
Try this:
proDAD Mercalli V2 - 3D image stabilizer, rolling shutter removal, zoom optimisation, pan shot optimisation (,l-us.xhtml)

Theres a trial you can try.
Not so many settings but it works :)

Jen Hook
February 6th, 2012, 01:59 PM
You don't need to use mocha for this kind of stuff.

Bring up the tracker and stabilize the entire sequence - find something that is 100% stable in the shot, not on the talking head. Then apply it to the footage and youll get a fully stable shot with of course edge issues whenever it wiggles.

Obviously you might have to do some cropping/scaling to reduce the edge effect, or use CC Repetile and blur the edges a bit.

If this isn't mission critical data and you have an FTP - I have no problems letting my computer render it out really quick while I'm watching the super bowl. Since this is DSLR footage, the file shouldn't be that large. Things like this are minor for me in after effects so Ill gladly do it if you dont have the time.

Thanks, giving it a try. I'll let you know when the render completes. Cropping will be no issue, there's plenty of room for that.

Jen Hook
February 13th, 2012, 11:06 AM
the tracker seems to have done the job; though not perfect results, definitely much, much better. thanks so much for the advice everyone!