View Full Version : FC1 USB Focus Control & Promote Control

Chuck Spaulding
February 2nd, 2012, 05:24 PM
I have a Promote Control that I use for timelapse and HDR photography, its a very cool tool, if your not familiar with it you can see it here: Promote Control for High Dynamic Range bracketing, Promote GPS Receiver and more - Promote Systems (

Is anyone using the Okii FC1 USB Focus Controller? FC1 USB Focus Controller (

If so how do you like it?

These are very different products used for different things, however, recently the Promote Control added the ability to control focus via the USB port so that you can focus stack. Basically you can manually set the first focal point and then set a different focal point you'd like to focus on over some number of frames.

I was thinking that since they have control of the focus via USB wouldn't it be nice to be able to control it for video, a rack focus, I sent support an email and asked them if it would be possible, they didn't seem to think it was that big of a deal.

I don't work for them or profit from this sort of thing in any way, I just do a lot of video and timelapse with my 7D and this might be a tool I could use for both.

I'm curious how many people might be interested in this sort of thing?

Chuck Spaulding
May 30th, 2012, 01:28 PM
Ok, how about an easier question, anyone using the Promote control with the 60D?

Jeff Troiano
May 30th, 2012, 06:33 PM
I can't say I'm using it. But I'm curious about your experience with it? I had been looking into it, before I installed Magic Latern. Because I want more then the standard 3 exposure HDR shots.

I'm still interested in it, but with Magic Latern I can get up to 9 exposure shots, so it's not as big a priority as it was when I was first looking at getting a canon still camera.