View Full Version : Acard Duplicator Problems

Barry Hunter
January 31st, 2012, 05:55 AM
I have an Acard 1-7 Duplicator ARS-2033 giving me some problems in that it won't record to some types of discs. Machine was built in 2005 & has 7 Lite-On DVD_RW drives & 1 Lite-On ROM drive. My supplier recently changed the brand of DVD-R which were DataWrite 16x & these worked fine. I`ve done a firmware update to vers 1.75a. A pal let me have some Ridisc & some Titanium 16x ones that work fine in his Acard machines but only the Titanium one work in mine. I have set the burn speed to 8x & everything else to default.

Does anyone have any ideas? Could the Acard controler be at fault?

Thanks in advance.

Allan Black
February 1st, 2012, 12:57 AM
After much research when our audio cassette factory gradually changed over to multiple CD then DVD duplication, we found that with multicopy duplicators, the slowest dupe speed was the safest.

eg: at 24x speed, the laser doesn't have enough time to burn the pits with perfect square edges.

Acard wasn't around back then and they now seem to have many products, try contacting their support.

ACARD - Give You the Total Solutions of IDE/SCSI/SATA Storage (


Barry Hunter
February 2nd, 2012, 04:51 AM
Thanks for the link however, the reply didn`t help much :-(

"The issue you have might due to media compatible issue or the writer is not in good condition.
Contact writher's manufacture for Media Support List.

Barry Hunter
February 10th, 2012, 05:01 AM
I upgraded the firmware to current version 1.75A, however still having problems!

Dave Farrants
February 10th, 2012, 05:25 AM
Barry - Check yr Skype!