View Full Version : Comparison Canon FD and Canon EF lenses on Sony NEX FS100

Erwin Vanderhoydonks
January 30th, 2012, 02:32 PM
Just a small comparison. But remember it's just a test.

Compare EF-FD lenses on NEX FS100 on Vimeo

This is just a little test with the Sony NEX FS100 and some Canon FD and Canon EF lenses. Fullsize screengrabs are also available.

The frame grabs are FullSize FullFrame. Just click on the frame you want to see. Click again to see it fullscreen and then you can download/save them. The file you download is a fullsize framegrab what was played in QuickTime7.

Extra info : I used two ND filters (ND4 + ND8) to stop down to f6.7 (FD lenses) and f7.1 (EF lenses) so I could use 1/50 for shutter speed.

Thanks for watching and comment are also welcome...

Scott Caplan
January 31st, 2012, 11:50 AM
nice comparison. dare I say, I like the FD glass better than the EF in some of the shots. Although it's hard to tell if the sun came out from behind the clouds on some scenes.

Scott Caplan

Erwin Vanderhoydonks
January 31st, 2012, 01:41 PM
Thanks for the comment.
Indeed the shots were taken a few hours before sunset with a few clouds in the sky...

Scott Caplan
January 31st, 2012, 03:47 PM
I'm using the kit lens and the Sony 16mm pancake wide angle I also picked up the FD adapter and 3 Canon FD lenses: 50mm f1.4, 135mm f2.8 and the 35-105mm f3.5.

My favorite two lenses are the Sony Pancake and the 35-105mm Canon FD zoom.

Scott Caplan