View Full Version : Rendering to 24fps from 60i or similar

Will Gentile
January 29th, 2012, 07:46 PM
Is there something I need to know when rendering a project at 24fps when it was filmed at 60i?

When I render a .wmv for example in Vegas of originally 60i footage(or whatever format), set to 23.976 in the render settings, during any kind of real motion, like a fast pan for example, the end result video has double or even triple frames ghosted creating a very blurred result.

However when rendering via After Effects (how I have gotten around the issue until now), the same 60i footage with 23.976 render settings, i get a very crisp 24fps look, no ghosted triple frames on motion pans or similar.

Is there some setting in the render settings I have missed in Vegas to accomplish this? I am admittedly no render/settings/terminology guru.

Hopefully I explained that well enough

Vegas 60i to 24p render:

After Effects 60i to 24p render:

David Jimerson
January 29th, 2012, 08:32 PM
You will get the best result if you set the deinterlace method to Interpolate and disable resample on all clips.

This will take care of some of the ghosting you see; maybe all of it.

However, motion will most likely always be a factor. You can't move the camera the same way when you're shooting 24 fps as you can when you're shooting 60. Because 24 fps is a slower frame rate, fewer pictures are taken per second, and there's a more of a distance between moving objects from frame to frame. More distance = more "jump" from frame to frame, which can mean a jittery, stroby motion. So, you have to move the camera slower when shooting 24 fps, to minimize the "jump" in moving objects between frames.

The upshot of this is that when you convert 60 pictures into 24, as you're doing when you do this, the motion "jump" becomes exactly the same as it would have been if you had shot 24 all along, and if you moved the camera too quickly, you'll see the jitter and strobe. You have no way to tell you're doing this while you're shooting at 60. And you're far more likely to have a problem if you didn't plan to convert to 24 originally and weren't taking the motion jitter into account while you were shooting.

And going by the shots, your type of footage is going to have a lot of fast camera motion, isn't it? You're probably going to see a lot of stroby, jittery motion.

Will Gentile
January 29th, 2012, 08:35 PM
I definitely understand the idea of shooting 24 vs 60 with camera movement and blur, however thanks for the info on the de-interlace and such, hopefully that helps.

frankly I'd love to shoot in 24 all the time, because all the projects end up at 24 at the end, however we shoot a lot of off road races and any given clip could have the potential for good slow-motion opportunity in post, so I shoot 60i 99% of the time.

I would almost prefer a stroby type appearance at times versus the extreme ghosting/tripled frames. what comes out of after effects is definitely acceptable for me

Will Gentile
January 29th, 2012, 10:42 PM
just wanted to post and say i did a few experiments and your advice solved the problem completely. thank you!

David Jimerson
January 29th, 2012, 11:38 PM
Good stuff.