View Full Version : Need input for a review website

Bryan Gilchrist
January 26th, 2012, 10:36 PM
I am currently working on a digital camera review website (a legitimate one, not one of those "affiliate" websites) which will include user reviews for all kinds of cameras that shoot video (including DSLR, video, point and shoot, etc.)

Anyway, I am needing ideas as to what review criteria would be most important to everyone.

As an example, for attributes (quick specs) for DSLR cameras, I have MSRP, Weight, MP, LCD size, Max FPS and Stock Lens Size (if available).

For review fields (something the user would fill out), I have Design, Features, Perfomance, Pros, Cons and Bottom Line.

I was just wondering if there were any other attributes or review fields anyone would like to see for each product.

Let me know your ideas.

Thanks! :)

Doug Bailey
February 2nd, 2012, 11:50 AM
Hi Bryan,
Google digital camera review sites & spend a lot of time seeing how they do it. Don't worry about the affiliate part of it, they still need good content to be able to generate traffic levels that are worthwhile. Make a list of the important questions they answer and use that as a base, build your own unique personality on top of that.

Also suggest doing a keyword search using Google Keyword Tool (free) or similar. This will tell you what people are searching for. Use the keywords as naturally as possible in your review. This will help the search engines find you. Be patient, this takes time.
Kind regards & good luck,
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Sareesh Sudhakaran
February 2nd, 2012, 09:23 PM
As a reader (consumer) my favorite sites are imaging resource followed by dpreview. Between these two sites they have almost everything covered. Almost.

Here's a totally different way to review cameras: DigitalRevCom's Channel - YouTube (

It's not comprehensive, but the reviewer has a personality that is funny and endearing. It gets a lot of hits.

My point is: I believe it is your personal spin on things that will bring in the crowd. All the best with your site!

Bryan Gilchrist
February 15th, 2012, 06:04 PM
The website is for other people to review the equipment.

I should have a link soon as I am in the process of populating it with cameras and what not.

Thanks for the input, though! :)