Greg Fiske
January 24th, 2012, 04:24 PM
I read a post about using led lights for fill when using a Fresnel as your main source for first dance, etc. I've done test with LED's and the color is way off (green). Even with teh supplied filters its not even close to say a dslr tungsten preset (or to match the Fresnel). Anyone experimented with gels to correct this? I've got an email out to Rosco to see if they have any info, which I can share here when I get a response.
A popular LED light for event work is the Z96 LED. The problem is that it is a very green light and the included tungsten filter are no where near accurate. Do you have any recommended gels to deal with LED's? From what I understand they are missing certain wavelengths in the color spectrum so will never be able to accurately render skin tones. But just looking for something a little better than what ships in the box.
Charles Papert
January 24th, 2012, 08:48 PM
The problem is that you get what you pay for with LED lights. The more they cost, the closer the color is to neutral (in the green/magenta side of the spectrum). A cheaper LED fixture is likely to play quite green.
Your best bet is to use minusgreen gel, which is magenta in color. Chances are you will need at least 1/2 and maybe stronger.
It wouldn't cost much to order a sheet each of various flavors of minusgreen in 1/4, 1/2 and full to experiment (with small units like that, you can even get multiple layers from a single sheet). Or, come up to LA and do some tests. Filmtools in Burbank sells the gel and has a display room--if you call them and ask, you may even be able to set-up an on-camera comparison of your unit set up against tungsten, where you can compare them to see what correction works the best.
Gregory Lee
January 29th, 2012, 12:52 AM
I don't notice the green in my LED lights, but the color temperature is very high. I put a 'golden rod' colored gel from:
Irlen Institute, Colored Lenses, Colored Overlays, Diagnosticians, Screeners (
over the light. I don't know if it produces the same results as gels, but they're cheap at $4 each sheet.
I read a post about using led lights for fill when using a Fresnel as your main source for first dance, etc. I've done test with LED's and the color is way off (green). Even with teh supplied filters its not even close to say a dslr tungsten preset (or to match the Fresnel). Anyone experimented with gels to correct this? I've got an email out to Rosco to see if they have any info, which I can share here when I get a response.
A popular LED light for event work is the Z96 LED. The problem is that it is a very green light and the included tungsten filter are no where near accurate. Do you have any recommended gels to deal with LED's? From what I understand they are missing certain wavelengths in the color spectrum so will never be able to accurately render skin tones. But just looking for something a little better than what ships in the box.