Bruce S. Yarock
January 23rd, 2012, 04:17 PM
I noticed that the handle that holds the mic, and slides into the hot shoe is loose, and moves around if I pick the camera up by the handle. I tried tightening the black round thumb screw , but it was still moving. Took off the whole assy and tried to tighten the four tiny phillips head scres on the shoe base, but it's still moving (bass and handle).
Anyone else have this happen? Suggestions?
Bruce Yarock
Oren Arieli
January 23rd, 2012, 04:36 PM
Are the guide bars on the cold shoe bent? That might give you more play than necessary. I'm guessing you could tamp those down a bit (carefully, with a wooden block or dowel). That would be my DIY strategy.
Bruce S. Yarock
January 24th, 2012, 04:28 AM
Thanks, Oren. I'll check that out.
Bruce Yarock
Matt Davis
January 24th, 2012, 06:05 PM
Anyone else have this happen? Suggestions?
I have one of these:
home (
Whilst I like the somewhat minimalist bracket supplied as standard, the ShotGrip works with a matte box and rails, and gives me something to hang the radio mic RX units off, whilst still providing a base for the Zacuto EVF and potentially (have tried it) a ninja off the other side, though it does end up lookling like a monocular robo-reindeer.
Specifically for your issue, this bolts directly into the bolt holes behind the cold shoe.