View Full Version : Strange Data in FS100 files - FirstLight

Frank Glencairn
January 23rd, 2012, 05:53 AM
Just checked some footage of my FS100 in FirstLight

I live in PAL country so 25 FPS and shutter speed 50

When I look at the metadata in FL, it says

Cineform time base 30 and Coposit: shutter speed 1/30

What the ...?

Okay - out on a limb:

Since day one, I suspected the FS100 to be based on 24p/30p/60p and the PAL versions just doing some strange pull-down operation, to get 25p/50p.

I say that, because I get some strange juttering motion at 25p while panning or fast moving objects.(I can work around this by shooting 50P, but I donīt like the look).

If I put the same clip into Premiere (no mater if it is the original clip or the Cineform version) - the metadata in premiere says 25p (it doesnīt read the shutterspeed though)

Is this just a minor bug or what happens here?

Thanks, Frank