View Full Version : DV to 16mm and HD Cam

Joe Winchester
September 2nd, 2005, 09:31 PM
Hello friends.

I'm looking to transfer my newest short film, about 30 minutes, shot on miniDV, 24p advanced, 16:9, to either 16mm or HDCam for film festival projections that require such formats.

Few questions for anyone with experience transferring to these formats:

1. I'm assuming the transfer to HDCam is cheaper than film, but what are the drawbacks?

2. I know there will resoulution 'loss' with both up-sizes, but I feel 16mm film may be more forgiving...? yes? no?

3. I'm not too worried about price.... only quality. so if you had your choice, which would you go with?

I'm not too familiar with the process of dv to film, so any thoughts are greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!


Shane Ross
September 3rd, 2005, 01:35 AM
It depends on the format that the festivals want. If they accept an HDCAM master, go HDCAM, it is far cheaper and simplier. If they require a film print, then you are gonna have to supply a film print.

And really, the only people you should be talking about this with are post facilities that offer this service. They know more about this than we do...