View Full Version : Continuous recording with T2i..
Brad Ballew January 21st, 2012, 10:15 AM OK, so magic lantern allows recording to restart automatically once a clip reaches its max and stops. However, how long could you let it run like that? How does the T2i do as far as overheating? If I wanted to have one shooting a continuous wide shot during a wedding unattended could I do that without the camera shutting down? I am aware that I lose a couple of seconds between recordings.
Jon Onstot January 21st, 2012, 11:31 AM I haven't done any rigorous testing to confirm this, but I believe the overheating problem is reduced when a battery grip is used. My T2i used to overheat fairly frequently until I got a grip, and it hasn't overheated since.
Keith Betters January 21st, 2012, 12:10 PM Yea, you can use a battery grip, but you can also turn the bit rate down and turn the lcd screen off during recording. These are things that I have found to help out with overheating. Since it will be unmanned, there is no need to have the lcd run during recording. Every time I do this, this will almost certainly make sure that it doesn't overheat. These are both options you can achieve with magic lantern!
Brad Ballew January 21st, 2012, 12:27 PM Thank you very much for the responses. A battery grip would probably be a good idea anyway if I am going to attempt that type of shooting.
Donald McPherson January 22nd, 2012, 01:25 PM Similar to turning off lcd. I found that using a monitor also helped with the overheating.
James Strange January 23rd, 2012, 01:01 PM I use a 550d/t2i with the 11-16 tokina as a c cam at almost all af my weddings ( wide cam on rear balcony)
Using magic lantern, battery grip and a 32gb card (class 10, in my tests class 6 cards had issues)
The memory card fills up before the battery(s) run out, and that's without any power saving options from magic lantern. ( which is about 90 mins worth of 12 minute clips )
Done this for about 50 weddings , never had any issues (touch wood)
I also use loads of the other features that magic lantern provide, magic zoom, WB Kelvin to name 2.
Panagiotis Raris January 25th, 2012, 11:59 PM battery grips, on-board, LCD off, monitor over HDMI (on main camera), and i have never had an overheat warning. Sandisk 8/16GB Class 10.
Taky Cheung January 26th, 2012, 12:13 PM Battery grip +1. It increases the time before T2i got overheated. Also, good for doubling the run time. Also turning off the LCD screen does have an impact too. I put together some test on T2i to see how long it started to show the overheat icon.
Canon T2i Overheat Test | L.A. Color Blog (
Donald McPherson January 29th, 2012, 04:40 AM Another time I was handholding the camera and it seemed to overheat very quickly. Must be my hot hands.
Brad Ballew February 1st, 2012, 12:00 PM I feel like an idiot. I cannot figure out how to turn off the LCD screen during recording. Is this an option in Magic Lantern? I am not seeing an option for it. I will keep looking, but if someone could enlighten me, it would be much appreciated.
EDIT: Never mind just figured it out.